Voting for My District 2021 has begun on and voting is open for residents who are born in 2006 or earlier, and have legal domicile in Reykjavik. Voting is electronic and will be open from the 30th of September until noon on the 14th of October 2021.
Voting is easy and you can vote anywhere and anytime. You can vote at home in your living room, in the cafeteria, at work, or on the bus. Additionally, it only takes two minutes to vote – it could not me
- double weight, e.g. two votes instead of one.
It is not necessary to make choices for all the full amount that the district has at its disposal, it is enough to pick one idea. simpler. Voters can choose which district they vote in, but it is only possible to vote in one district.
- The voter can vote as often as he wishes, but the last vote cast is the only one that counts.
- In the right corner of each idea listing is a selection tab where you can get more information about that particular project.
- Residents can add a star on one of the ideas they pick, thus giving the idea
- Voting is electronic and in order to vote residents must have an electronic ID via mobile phone or an IceKey. Further information on authentication can be viewed on and on the IceKey on
It is ideal for families to vote together, and give the children in the home the opportunity to participate in picking the projects that they would want to vote on. We encourage you to spread the word and tell your neighbours, friends and relatives about My District and encourage them to vote.
If you need assistance in voting, please contact the customer service center of the Municipality of Reykjavik tel 411-1111, Borgartún 12-14 and at the five municipal service centers during the elections, for further information visit
Further information available at My District elections on the City of Reykjavik website.
Your neighbourhood is in your hands – vote the best ideas for your district.