Inequality in the Greater Reykjavík region - what is the situation?

Ragnar Th. Sigurðsson
Loftmynd af Reykjavík 2023.

Open forum on the social landscape at Tjarnarsalur in Reykjavík City Hall on January 5, 2024.

The symposium's title is Inequality in the Greater Reykjavík region - what is the situation? The seminar starts at 9.00 am and it will also be possible to follow via streaming.

At the meeting, Kolbeinn H. Stefánsson will review a ground-breaking study on the social landscape that was carried out in collaboration with the City of Reykjavík. Experts together with representatives of municipalities will discuss the results of the study, opportunities and challenges in the Greater-Reykjavík area in a panel at the end of the symposium.

The house opens at 8:30, with light morning refreshments.

Moderator: Harpa Þorsteinsdóttir, project manager for public health at the office of the mayor and city secretary

9:00–9:15  Mayor's Address

Dagur B. Eggertsson

9:15–9:45 Social landscape in Reykjavík - research results

Kolbeinn H. Stefánsson, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work at the University of Iceland

9:45am–9:55am  Latification and residence

Guðmundur Ævar Oddsson, professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Akureyri

9:55–10:05 Inequality in health in Reykjavík

Sigrún Ólafsdóttir, professor of sociology at the University of Iceland

10:05–10:15 The mood of Icelanders by age, gender and financial situation

Dóra Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir, director of public health at the Office of the National Medical Examiner

Sigríður Haraldsd. Elínardóttir, director of health information at the National Health Service

10:15 Panel and summary

Dagur B.Eggertsson - mayor

Kolbeinn H. Stefánsson - associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UI

Sigthrúður Erla Arnardóttir - manager of Reykjavík's Western Center

Óskar Dýrmundur Ólafsson - manager of Reykjavík Southern Center

Gunnar Axel Axelsson - mayor of Vogar

Fjóla Steindóra Kristinsdóttir - mayor of Árborg

All welcome!