Previous Years’ Projects

Over the years, numerous projects have come to fruition through the residential democracy project My Neighborhood. Below is a list of previous years’ projects by year of implementation.
Previous Years’ Projects
- My Neighborhood 2021 Voting Results and Implemented Projects—My Neighborhood 2020-2021
- My Neighborhood 2019 Voting Results and Implemented Projects—My Neighborhood 2019
- My Neighborhood 2018 Voting Results and Implemented Projects—My Neighborhood 2018
- My Neighborhood 2017 Voting Results and Implemented Projects—My Neighborhood 2017
- My Neighborhood 2016 Voting Results and Implemented Projects—My Neighborhood 2016
Projects in the Development Viewer
You can also view projects that have been implemented under My Neighborhood in the Development Viewer.
In the “Tegund framkvæmdar” (“Type of Development”) drop-down list, select “Hverfið mitt” (“My Neighborhood”). The district and year must also be selected.
Note that projects are implemented the year after they are voted for. Therefore, a project voted for in My Neighborhood 2018 will be implemented in 2019. The year listed in the Development Viewer is the year of implementation.