My Neighborhood 2017

General information on My Neighborhood 2017. All the main information about the idea collection, ballot line-up and the district vote. Everything from the number of ideas submitted to the voter turnout of the Reykjavík districts.

Idea collection and review

A collection of ideas for My Neighborhood was conducted from March 1 to March 24, 2017. A total of 1081 ideas were submitted in the whole of Reykjavík. As in the past, everyone was allowed to submit an idea and idea creators were encouraged to submit well-crafted ideas in accordance with the prerequisites of the idea collection. This was the sixth time that ideas were collected.

After the idea collection, the Reykjavík City professional team—comprising representatives from the Transportation Division and the Division of Open Spaces, specialists in lighting, pedestrian walkways, and streets, and the Head of Landscaping—began its assessment and relevant experts were contacted in cases that required further expert input.

After completing the idea assessment, the neighborhood councils met with City staff to evaluate the submitted ideas in the neighborhood, and review projects in the popular order they appear on the consultation website. Neighborhood councils look at, among other things, the distribution of projects around their neighborhoods and which projects will be dropped after a review by a team of professionals. If a neighborhood council considers that the ranking of the remaining projects (up to 25) is such that certain parts of the neighborhood are overly favored, the council may try equalize the distribution by replacing up to 5 of the 25 top projects with projects lower on the list (assuming that there are more than 25 projects). In so doing, the council should bear in mind in this context the popularity of the replaced ideas.


Residents voted on neighborhood projects November 3-19, 2017. Participation in the participatory democracy project of My Neighborhood has never been better with a voter turnout of 10.9%.

All residents in Reykjavík 16 years of age and older were eligible to vote, with a total of 102,000 voters. Of those, 11,113 exercised their right to vote. The vote concerned public works in Reykjavik districts with a total of 450 million for their implementation. This year, the residents voted for 76 projects to be implemented in 2018.

Below are the projects selected in each district of Reykjavík.

Teiknuð mynd af konu að setja atkvæði í kjörkassa.

Projects voted for implementation

Árbær and Norðlingaholt - 2017

  • Playground equipment on the grounds of Selásskóli
  • Cold tub in Árbæjarlaug
  • Walking path by Rauðavatn
  • Trash bins along walking paths in Norðlingaholt
  • Improve lighting near the pedestrian bridge over Breiðholtsbraut
  • Walking path at the corner of Rofabær and Fylkisvegur
  • Drinking fountain in Elliðaárdalur
  • Baby swings on the playground in Bæjarhverfi
  • Cardio equipment by Rauðavatn
  • Bird signs near the dam bridge
  • Walking path between Selvað and Árvað
  • Mark parking spots by Sandavað

Breiðholt - 2017

  • Lighting on walking paths in Seljahverfi
  • Cold tub in Breiðholtslaug Pool
  • Lighting in Elliðaárdalur
  • Playground equipment and tartan at Breiðholtslaug Pool
  • Lighting and picnic tables near the ski slope
  • Fix the area near the portable classrooms at Seljaskóli
  • Add more benches in Seljahverfi
  • Improve access to Breiðholtsskóli
  • Fence at the basketball backboard on the grounds of Hraunheimar

Grafarholt and Úlfarsárdalur - 2017

  • Lighting near the sledding hill below Reynisvatnsháls
  • Trash bins in Grafarholt
  • Rest area between Hádegismóar and Grafarholt
  • Exercise equipment at Reynisvatn
  • Planting in Úlfarsárdalur
  • Health path in Úlfarsárdalur
  • Information signs about distances

Grafarvogur - 2017

  • Maintenance of the community recycling bin near Spöngin
  • Paddling pool at Grafarvogslaug Pool
  • Lighting along the walking path near Strandvegur

Háaleiti and Bústaðir - 2017

  • Fruit trees in open areas
  • Community recycling bins by Sogavegur.
  • Beautify the municipal land along Háleitisbraut
  • New fencing at Bústaðavegur.
  • Exercise equipment in open area west of the city center
  • Renew the walking path between the Lönd roads starting with K and H.
  • Improve the playground by Rauðagerði

Hlíðar - 2017

  • Improved lighting at pedestrian lights at Hlíðarskóli
  • Baby swings on the playground
  • Walking path from Stigahlíð
  • Lighting near the basketball court on Klambratún
  • Bicycle repair station in Hlíðar
  • Climbing frame on Klambratún
  • Benches on Klambratún
  • Water fountain on Klambratún
  • Benches in Hlíðar
  • Information signs about the fish drying site and historical relics
  • Improvements at the intersection of Brautarholt and Stórholt

Kjalarnes - 2017

  • Maintenance of open areas
  • Glass in the fence around the swimming pool
  • Greenery in the median at Jörfagrund and on the playground

Laugardalur - 2017

  • Improvements to lighting in Laugardalur
  • Front of Laugardalslaug Pool
  • Improve access to the shore at Laugarnestangi
  • Improvements to the playground in Laugardalur
  • Mark trails in Laugardalur
  • Improve lighting at the intersection of Holtsvegur and Langholtsvegur
  • Trim around the water fountains in Laugardalur
  • Beach clean-up at Háibakki in Elliðaárvogur
  • Trash bins in the Vogar neighborhood
  • Larger clocks at Laugardalslaug Pool
  • Walking route across Suðurlandsbraut by Mörkin
  • Baby swing at the playground by Sæviðarsund

Miðborg - 2017

  • Greenery and benches in Hljómskálagarður
  • More playground equipment in Hljómskálagarður
  • Public park at Þingholtsstræti 25
  • New sidewalk at Barónsstígur
  • Baby swing at Skógarróló in Skerjafjörður

Vesturbær - 2017

  • Walkway over Hofsvallagata
  • Add more trash bins in Vesturbær
  • Lighting at the walking path by Ægisíða
  • Telescope at Eiðisgrandi
  • Improvements to the playground at Tómasarhagi
  • Connect Hagatorg with the surrounding area
  • Renovate the basketball court between Faxaskjól and Sörlaskjól