My Neighborhood 2019

General information on My Neighborhood 2019. All the main information about the idea collection, ballot line-up and the district vote. Everything from the number of ideas submitted to the voter turnout of the Reykjavík districts.

Idea collection and review

Ideas for My Neighborhood were collected from March 20 to April 9, 2019. A total of 1,053 ideas were received. Never before have as many people visited the website during the idea collection.

An innovative feature during the idea collection at this time was the ability to submit ideas in the form of video and audio recordings.

We received 10 videos and one audio recording. 55% of ideas came from women and 45% from men. As in the past, everyone was allowed to submit an idea and idea creators were encouraged to submit well-crafted ideas in accordance with the prerequisites of the idea collection.

This was the eighth time that ideas were collected. After the idea collection, the Reykjavík City professional team—comprising representatives from the Transportation Division and the Division of Open Spaces, specialists in lighting, pedestrian walkways, and streets, and the Head of Landscaping—began its assessment and relevant experts were contacted in cases that required further expert input.

After the assessment concluded, open meetings were held in Reykjavík City districts. There, all the ideas considered eligible were displayed on the wall. At that time, residents were able to come and select up to 25 ideas on a ballot. Next, the votes were counted and it became clear what the ballots of every district would look like.


Voting in My Neighborhood began October 31 and ended on November 14, 2019. The turnout in the whole of Reykjavík was 12.55, rising from 12.3 in 2018. Participation was highest in Grafarholt-Úlfarsárdalur, as it was last year, with 17.8%, the second highest in Árbær, also as it was last year, with a participation rate of 16.2%.

A total of 91 projects were voted for in the whole of Reykjavík. Since the first vote in 2012, a total of 787 projects have been voted in for implementation through the My Neighborhood project. Below are the projects selected in each district of Reykjavík.

Teiknuð mynd af konu að setja atkvæði í kjörkassa.

Projects voted for implementation

Árbær and Norðlingaholt - 2019

  • Three-part sorting bins
  • Bicycle repair station
  • Access and facilities near the town's gem Rauðavatn.
  • In-ground trampolines
  • More greenery in the neighborhood – shelter from the wind
  • Increase the number of benches in Elliðaárdalur
  • Fix the grounds of Rauðhóll Preschool
  • Improved pedestrian crossing by Árvað
  • Disc golf baskets near schools

Breiðholt - 2019

  • Seljagarður – A small family garden in the heart of Seljahverfi
  • Improved pedestrian crossing near Krónan in Seljahverfi
  • In-ground trampolines
  • Lighting on walking path/stairs from Grjótasel down to Seljadalur
  • Parkour area
  • Walking path between Seljahverfi and Hvarf
  • Resod the soccer field by Bakkasel
  • Benches and trash bins in Bakkar
  • Traffic slowing measures near the underpass under Stekkjarbakki
  • Basketball boards in Breiðholtslaug Pool

Grafarholt and Úlfarsárdalur - 2019

  • Sledding hill in Úlfarsárdalur
  • More trash bins around Grafarholt
  • In-ground trampolines
  • More trees near Reynisvatn
  • Walking route maps
  • Planting near Úlfarsfell
  • Trash bins in Úlfarsárdalur

Grafarvogur - 2019

  • Beautify the area in Spöngin
  • Jumping Pillow at Gufunesbær
  • A small public garden
  • Putting green for all residents of Grafarvogur
  • Infrared sauna in Grafarvogslaug Pool
  • Gufunesbær - playground equipment
  • Walking path along Skemmtigarðurinn in Gufunes
  • Toilets in Gufunes
  • Two benches near the bay

Háaleiti and Bústaðir - 2019

  • Improving the community recycling bin at Grímsbær
  • Plant rhubarb and berry bushes widely throughout the district
  • Bicycle pump by Rauðagerði
  • Walking path on the hill east of Réttarholtsskóli
  • Improve pedestrian access across Kringlumýrarbraut
  • Traffic mirrors at the corner of Hamarsgerði and Réttarholtsvegur
  • Renovate soccer field between roads in the Lönd area starting with K and H
  • Finish walking path between Síðumúli and Háaleitisbraut
  • Fruit trees in Fossvogsdalur
  • Disc golf baskets near schools
  • Safe walking route - hot water main conduit
  • Grill and playground equipment in the park behind Miðbær

Hlíðar - 2019

  • Fix the walking path from Hlíðar to Öskjuhlíð
  • Improvements to playground on Klambratún
  • Benches in front of Kjarvalsstaðir
  • Climbing stone for kids and adults
  • Long table on Klambratún
  • Pathway repair on Klambratún
  • In-ground trampolines
  • Running track around Klambratún
  • Widen the walking path between Skógarhlíð and Eskihlíð
  • Improved pedestrian crossing near Bónus in Skipholt
  • Speed markings painted on shared streets in Suðurhlíðar

Kjalarnes - 2019

  • In-ground trampolines
  • Jungle gym
  • Memorial to the broken promises of Reykjavík City

Laugardalur - 2019

  • Lighting on gravel paths in Laugardalur
  • More benches for pedestrians
  • Baby swings on the playground
  • Fix the schoolyard at Langholtsskóli due to water accumulation
  • Improve the lighting on the walking path from Glæsibær to Langholtsskóli
  • Basketball court
  • Soccer goal next to the Ljósheimar Playground

Miðborg - 2019

  • Improvements to sidewalks throughout Þingholt neighborhood
  • Enhance walking routes for school children
  • Triple-compartment sorting bins by Sundhöll Reykjavík Pool
  • Lively public benches
  • Upgrades to Einarsgarður by Laufásvegur
  • Mural art
  • Improved traffic safety near Laufásborg
  • Bicycle repair stand at Nauthólsvík
  • In-ground trampolines

Vesturbær - 2019

  • Triple-compartment trash bins
  • Softer pedestrian paths by Vesturbæjarlaug Pool
  • Trash cans
  • In-ground trampolines
  • Revitalizing Aparóló
  • Art in public spaces
  • Graffiti removal
  • Tall slides near the sea
  • Beach life at the lumpfish shacks by Grímstaðarvör
  • Corner bench at Öldugata 25
  • Vegetable garden in the courtyard of the Workers' Housing
  • Disc golf baskets near schools
  • Merry-go-round with wheelchair access
  • Mini-library