Affordable housing for young people and first-time buyers

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

New solutions and ideas in housing issues are important to encourage innovation and development in apartment construction. With the project, Reykjavík City wants ideas to increase the supply of affordable housing for young people and first-time buyers. The plots in question are in Úlfarsárdalur, Kjalarnes, Gufunes, Elliðaárvogur (Bryggjuhverfi), by the The College of Navigation, at the plot of the old Meteorological Office (Veðurstofureitur), and in Skerjafjörður

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2025

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

Affordable housing developments are in progress in Gufunes, Úlfarsárdalur, and on lot G in Bryggjuhverfi. Construction is expected to start soon at Sjómannaskóli lot.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023

Construction is underway in three of nine areas. Assignments have been made in Gufunes, Úlfarsárdalur, and Vatnsholt. The next lot assignment within the project is anticipated in Bryggjuhverfi in 2024. Skerjafjörður has been paused, and future plans remain uncertain. Various delays have occurred in individual projects, such as due to ground reinforcement and archaeological research.

January 2023 Construction at Þorpið in Gufunes is nearing completion. Construction work is underway at Hoffell in Gufunes and Urðarsel in Úlfarsárdalur. Plot allocation has taken place at Vatnsholt, where construction is expected to start soon. The next plot allocation will likely occur in Skerjafjörður, along with two plots in Bryggjuhverfi becoming ready for construction by the end of the year. Planning work for Veðurstofuhæð is projected to begin in 2023.
July 2022 Construction is underway in three of nine areas. Plots have been allocated in Gufunes, Úlfarsárdalur, Vatnsholt, and Bryggjuhverfi. The next allocation of land plots is expected to occur in the Bryggjuhverfi district this year, 2022.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Tengdar aðgerðir

Taflan hér fyrir neðan inniheldur þær aðgerðir sem tengjast þessari aðgerð og hægt er að nálgast frekari upplýsingar með því að smella á "heiti aðgerðar" í töflunni (ef þú ert í síma er betra að snúa símanum á hlið).