
Youth center for 10–16 year olds

Tunguvegur 25
108 Reykjavík


About Bústaðir

Bústaðir Youth Center is one of seven youth centers in the Laugardalur, Háaleiti, and Bústaðir neighborhoods operated by the Kringlumýri Recreation Center. The target group is children and adolescents in grades 5-10 at Breiðagerðisskóli, Fossvogsskóli, and Réttarholtsskóli.

We offer open activities and various clubs based on individual interests and needs. Events are held and projects are developed in cooperation with children, parents, schools, and other local partners. We emphasize education on various life skills topics, including anti-discrimination, substance abuse prevention, and positive self-image support. We also strive to make the youth center visible and open to those interested in learning about our activities. Successful club and development activities include the cooking club, sex education project at Réttarholtsskóli, and the Better Bústaðir project.

Director: Þorvaldur Júlíusson, phone. 664-7642.

Assistant Directors: Þór Fjalar Ingason and Petra Baldursdóttir

Opening hours

10 - 12 years old


Grade 5:

  • Mondays: 14:30am to 4pm
  • Wednesdays: 14:30am to 4pm

Grade 6:

  • Mondays: 4pm-5:30pm
  • Wednesdays: 4pm-5:30pm

Grade 7:

  • Wednesdays: 5:30pm-7pm
  • Fridays: 5pm-6:30pm


13 - 16 years old

  • Mondays and Wednesdays: 7:30pm-9:45pm
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 2pm-5pm
  • Fridays: 7:30pm-10pm

Teikning af fjórum unglingum.

Child prosperity

The Act on the Integration of Services in the Interest of Children’s Prosperity has come into effect. The goal is to ensure children and guardians receive the right assistance, at the right time, from the right parties. Families and children in need of early support have guaranteed access to a prosperity contact in the child's immediate environment, such as in preschool or primary school. The prosperity contact offers information and guidance on services and ensures that children and guardians have unhindered access to these services. Children, youth, and guardians can reach the school prosperity contact to request integrated services.

Information on the prosperity contacts for children at the Bústaðir youth center can be found on the websites of Breiðagerðisskóli, Fossvogsskóli, and Réttarholtsskóli.