Language Center

The Language Center is an office that administers the Norwegian, Swedish and Polish language courses. The Language Center is run by the City of Reykjavík and also offers its services to other municipalities. The Language Center offers distance learning, on-site teaching, and counseling for schools nationwide, as well as remote and on-site Polish lessons for Reykjavík City primary schools. We follow the national curriculum for primary schools, both the general part and section 20. Polish is taught according to the Polish curriculum for students studying abroad, but we also follow the national curriculum for primary schools.



All about Swedish lessons at the Language Center



All about Polish lessons at the Language Center



All about Norwegian lessons at the Language Center

Study requirements

Students must have basic knowledge of Norwegian, Swedish, or Polish to begin studies at the Language Center.

Frequently asked questions about the Language Center

Here you can find answers to questions such as: Which students can learn Swedish, Norwegian, or Polish instead of Danish?


Viltu skrá nemanda í pólsku, sænsku eða norsku? Einungis skólar geta skráð nemendur í nám í Tungumálaveri. Á skráningarsíðu Tungumálavers eru leiðbeiningar fyrir starfsmenn skóla um allt land. 


Tungumálaver er á vegum Reykjavíkurborgar og er ókeypis fyrir grunnskóla Reykjavíkurborgar. Sjálfstætt starfandi grunnskólar og önnur sveitarfélög kaupa þjónustuna af Reykjavíkurborg samkvæmt gjaldskrá sem er uppfærð árlega. Sama verð er fyrir fjarnám og staðnám. Kennsluráðgjöf  á ódýrari þar sem skólarnir sjá sjálfir bæði um kennslu og námsmat. 

Skipulag náms í Tungumálaveri

Skyldumæting er í alla tíma þó kennslan fari fram að hefðbundinni kennslu lokinni. Í fjarnámi telst það til mætingar að nemandi skrái sig inn og vinni verkefnin í hverri viku. Ætlast er til að nemendur vinni jafn mikið með efnið og samnemendur þeirra vinna með dönsku.

Where is the Language Center located?

Since January 1, 2023, the Language Center has been part of Hvassaleitisskóli, with its office located at Hvassaleitisskóli. However, activities take place across the capital area and include remote teaching for select classes. The Language Center employs skilled teachers in the three languages and project managers for each.