Climate forests in Úlfarsfell

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

The Climate Forests are a collaboration between Reykjavík City and the Reykjavík Forestry Association. Their aim is to offset the carbon emissions of various City departments and institutions. Simultaneously, they result in the creation of new recreational forests on municipal land that not only provide welcome opportunities for outdoor activities but also reduce wind. The goal is for the forest to eventually cover about 360 acres (150 ha). The forestry plan is for 10 years, annually working on a 37 acres (15 ha) area. The main goal of forestry in the area is increased carbon sequestration and establishment of a recreation forest. For this, a variety of tree and shrub species are used. Efforts are also being made to expand and densify areas where there are already young forests and to plant in lupine fields.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2030

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

In 2023, 1,242 plants were planted. Including all planting in Úlfarsfell, which includes previous plantings before this project, the area totals about 75 hectares, indicating the planting project is roughly halfway done. In the Climate Forest Project, over 92,000 forest plants have been planted.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023 In Úlfarsfell, 12,842 forest plants were planted on about 4.5 hectares. As before, emphasis was placed on planting in lupine patches and areas with disrupted vegetation cover. Some areas received plants for more than one year due to sparse initial plantings and using diverse species, making it beneficial to add other species for a more varied outdoor recreation forest. Summing all plantings in Úlfarsfell, including older ones, the area is about 75 hectares, suggesting that planting activities are about halfway completed. In the Climate Forest Project, over 92,000 forest plants have been planted.
January 2023 In 2022, 45 thousand plants were planted.
July 2022 So far this summer, about 10,000 tree seedlings have been planted, and a significant amount of grass seed, white clover, and fertilizer has been distributed. Carbon sequestration approx. 1,000 tonnes.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Reykjavík City departments:

Related actions

The table below contains actions related to this initiative, and you can access more information by clicking on the "action title" in the table (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Action name Completion Departments
Climate forests in Úlfarsfell 2030 Department of Environment & Planning
Development in Öskjuhlíð 2024 Department of Environment & Planning
Construction in Austurheiðar 2024 Department of Environment & Planning
Greenery on municipal land 2030 Department of Environment & Planning