Action Plan for Reykjavík's finances

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Reykjavík City's action plan on finance, promoting progress and protecting welfare, quality of life, and employment.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2022

Status: Completed

Status report on January 1, 2023

Alongside the proposal for the 2023-2027 financial plan, a revised financial policy and action plan were presented.


Timing Progress description
July 2022

Alongside the proposal for the 2023-2027 financial plan, a revised financial policy and action plan were presented.

The actions of the Green Deal are linked to Reykjavík City's policies, which include:

Reykjavík City departments:

Related actions

The table below contains actions related to this initiative, and you can access more information by clicking on the "action title" in the table (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).