Easing Traffic 2023

Mayor’s open meeting in Tjarnarsalur at Reykjavík City Hall on transportation in the capital area.

Time and place

Welcome to the open meeting with the Mayor on transportation in the capital area on Friday, November 10, from 9am–11:30am. You can also follow the meeting via live stream.

The building opens at 8:30am, with a light breakfast served.


Chair: Dóra Björt Guðjónsdóttir the Chair of the Environment & Planning Committee

9am-9:05am Meeting commencement

9:05am-9:30am Easing the traffic

Dagur B. Eggertsson, Mayor

Presentation in PDF format

9:30am-9:50am Travel habits of Reykjavík residents 2022

Ólafur Veigar Hrafnsson, Director of Market Research for Gallup

Presentation in PDF format

9:50am-10am Why is it important to change travel habits?

Guðbjörg Lilja Erlendsdóttir, Transportation Manager

Presentation in PDF format

10am-10:10am Future vision of Strætó Public Transport

Ragnheiður Einarsdóttir, Head of Division of Planning and Route System - Strætó Public Transport

Presentation in PDF format

10:10am-10:20am Fossvogsbrú

Magnús Arason, Civil Engineer at Efla

Presentation in PDF format

10:20am-10:30am Transit-oriented planning, what does it mean?

Crafting Keldur, Þorsteinn Hermannsson, Director of Development for Transport for the Capital Area

Presentation in PDF format

10:30am-10:40am Just a regular gal on a bike

Brynhildur Bolladóttir, who lives in Reykjavík, uses an electric bike to take her two children to their respective preschools

Presentation in PDF format

10:40am-10:50am The Green Pathway

Þráinn Hauksson Landscape Architect, Landslag

Presentation in PDF format

10:50am-11am Train to Suðurnes, a distant dream or a realistic future vision?

Lilja Guðríður Karlsdóttir, Director at VSB verkfræðistofa

Presentation in PDF format

11am-11:10am Quality of life cities

Edda Ívarsdóttir, Head of Division for Urban Design

Presentation in PDF format

11:10am-11:15am Summary and closing remarks by the Chair

Transportation & Traffic

Whether you're traveling by car, bicycle, electric scooter, bus, or your own two feet, here you'll find information about transportation in Reykjavík City.

It is in everyone’s interest to have the best possible flow of transport and traffic in the City.


Pedestrian walkways, sidewalks, crossings, and streetlights. It is possible to get around in an eco-friendly way with Reykjavik’s pathway system.

The street system, snow clearance, tires, and parking. Useful information for drivers in Reykjavik.