Reykjavík Science City

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Reykjavík Science City (I. Vísindaþorpið í Vatnsmýri) is a collaboration platform for Reykjavík City, the University of Reykjavík, the University of Iceland, Landspítali University Hospital, the University of Iceland Science Park, and the Association of Municipalities in the Capital Area (SSH). The aim is to further develop the Science City as the center of the knowledge economy in Iceland, where current players, new research institutions, and powerful knowledge companies have cooperation and collaboration and thus form a strong community that leads to increased value creation and job multiplication.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2025

Status: In progress

Status description January 1, 20

Marketing project under Business Iceland is going well, and Reykjavík City is on the board. The marketing project aims to attract people, businesses, and capital to the city. The infrastructure team of Science City met for the first time and discussed upcoming reconstruction in the area.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023 International marketing of “Þekkingarþorpið í Vatnsmýri” under the name Reykjavík Science City (RSC) is in full swing under the leadership of Business Iceland. The marketing is going well.
January 2023 Reykjavík Science City had a promotional booth at the TechBBQ festival in Copenhagen in the fall of 2022, along with a successful presentation at Slush 2022. A new promotional video was launched during the year and the project was continuously promoted on social media. The press tour was a success, yielding positive coverage about Reykjavík as an attractive location for businesses, people, and capital considering innovation.
July 2022 The Reykjavík Science City marketing campaign formally started at the Slush innovation festival in Helsinki in December 2021. The project continued and was very prominent during Innovation Week in May 2022, when a group of journalists was invited to visit innovative companies. Continued creation of new promotional materials and their dissemination on the project's social media and partner media.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies: