Gufunes - Creative Village

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Gufunes is one of the most interesting development areas in Iceland. A creative village is being developed there where various creative activities are mixed in with about 700 apartments. The goal is to build an area where environmental quality and local identity set the framework for the residences. The film industry is already flourishing in the area, with RVK Studios having their headquarters there and having built a film studio in a warehouse that was previously used for the operation of the State Fertilizer Factory. Kukl, which specializes in equipment rental for the film industry, and several other film-related companies also have their operations in Gufunes.


Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2024

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

The status remains unchanged. Efforts continue to find solutions and finalize the new framework plan after the City Executive Council approved entering negotiations for land reservations with RVK Studios and True North, which are interested in expanding their operations, and Vesturport, which also wishes to develop its operations in Gufunes.

Older status reports

  Timing Progress description
  July 2023

There are ongoing efforts to find solutions and finalize the new framework plan after the City Executive Council approved entering negotiations for land reservations with RVK Studios and True North, which are interested in expanding their operations, and Vesturport, which also wishes to develop its operations in Gufunes.

  January 2023 Significant development and construction are still taking place in Gufunes. The population is steadily increasing and a residential area is forming. Work is ongoing on the framework plan for phase 2. Reykjavík City has been carrying out construction work on the exterior of Gufunesvegur 17. The winner of the Reinventing Cities competition was found and the Selection Committee suggested starting negotiations with Þorpið based on their proposal, taking into account any suggestions mentioned in the Selection Committee's conclusions. Preparations were made for market research to find companies in the creative industries interested in locating in Gufunes. Street construction in the area has been slow but improvements are on the way, with a bid for the work expected in the first part of 2023.
  July 2022 Gufunes is one of the most interesting development areas in Iceland. A creative village is being developed there where various creative activities are mixed in with about 700 apartments. The goal is to build an area where environmental quality and local identity set the framework for the residences. The film industry is already flourishing in the area, with RVK Studios having their headquarters there and having built a film studio in a warehouse that was previously used for the operation of the State Fertilizer Factory. Kukl, which specializes in equipment rental for the film industry, and several other film-related companies also have their operations in Gufunes.


Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:


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