Bríetartún Nursery School

Nursery school

Bríetartún 11
105 Reykjavík

Nursery School at Brietartun

About the preschool

The nursery school is open from 7:30am to 4:30pm

The new nursery school at Bríetartún is tailored to the needs of young children from the ages of 12 months to three years. It houses 60 children and operates in four divisions. City of Reykjavík preschools follow the National Preschool Curriculum with reference to the Reykjavík City Education Policy. It focuses on encouraging children's discovery and play and making them active participants in a democratic society.

Preschool Director: Anna Ben. Blöndal


The nursery school opened in the spring of 2022, and its concept and strategy are therefore being developed. The foundation of professional work will be creative work, flow, and the environment acting as the third teacher.

Nursery schools give special attention to good care, communications, and language development and language stimulation will form the core of all school activities. The philosophy of creative work and exploratory play are paramount along with music, movement, singing, physical stimulation, and the outdoors.



Hvenær eru starfsdagar í Bríetartúni? Í skóladagatali finnur þú upplýsingar um frídaga í leikskólanum og ýmislegt fleira. 


Hvað er framundan á Ungbarnaleikskólanum í Bríetartúni? Í starfsáætlun finnur þú meðal annars innra og ytra mat leikskólans fyrir síðasta ár, umbótaáætlun, leikskóladagatal og ótalmargt fleira. 

The Center for Bríetartún Nursery School

Bríetartún Nursery School falls under West Center. West Center provides a wide range of services to the residents of Vesturbær, Miðborg, and Hlíðar and is a comprehensive information source for municipal services. The Center provides welfare services, school services to preschool and primary schools, day care and recreational counseling, and various other services.

Farsæld barna

Ný lög um samþætta þjónustu í þágu farsældar barna hafa tekið gildi. Markmiðið er að tryggja að börn og forsjáraðilar fái rétta aðstoð, á réttum tíma, frá réttum aðilum. Fjölskyldum og börnum sem þurfa snemmtækan stuðning er tryggður aðgangur að tengilið farsældar í nærumhverfi barnsins, svo sem í leikskóla eða grunnskóla. Tengiliður farsældar veitir upplýsingar og leiðbeiningar um þjónustu og stuðlar að því að börn og forsjáraðilar hafi aðgang að þjónustu án hindrana. Til að óska eftir samþættri þjónustu geta börn, ungmenni og forsjáraðilar haft samband við tengilið farsældar.

Tengiliður leikskólans er: Anna Ben. Blöndal

Nánari upplýsingar um lögin og þjónustuna eru á heimasíðunni​

Parent cooperation

We are all in this together, and as the proverb goes it takes a village to raise a child. Reykjavík City preschools make targeted efforts to consult with and increase parent involvement in preschool activities. All Reykjavík City preschools have parent associations and parent councils.


The nursery school in Bríetartún is a part of the Bridging the Gap development initiative, which aims to increase the number of preschool openings and bridge the gap between parental leave and preschool. The preschool opened in the spring of 2022.