Preschool parent cooperation

There is a targeted effort to increase dialogue with parents and strengthen their involvement in preschool education. All Reykjavík City preschools have parent associations and parent councils.

Role of the Parent Council

Parents are involved in developing policies and a operational plans for the preschool activities. The role of the parent council is to make comments to the preschool and the Education & Youth Council on:

  • School curricula
  • Operational plan
  • Other plans relating to preschool activities


  • Implementation of school curriculum
  • Implementation of other plans within the preschool
  • That the school curriculum, operational plan, and other plans of the preschool are presented to the parents

In addition, the parent council has the right to review any major changes to preschool activities.

Laws and regulations

By law, there should be a parent council at each preschool. Members are elected to the council on the initiative of the preschool director. The election is held in September and is for one year at a time. The council shall appoint at least three parents.