Education at the School of Work

The School of Work partners with the Peer Education Center run by Hitt Husid Youth Center in Reykjavik. Peer educators enter all 9th and 10th grade groups with a variety of prevention education. The education concerns a wide range of topics through discussions and team building games that seek, among other things, to enhance the teenagers' self-image.

The Maritime Academy

The Maritime Academy (“Sjávarútvegsskólinn”) is a project run by the Maritime Department of the University of Akureyri in partnership with the School of Work and fisheries companies. In the summer of 2020, the School of Work joined the partnership and invited 10th grade students to apply. The project went well, and we plan on offering it again in 2021.

Green Flag Projects

The School of Work pays great attention to environmental issues. The School of Work participates in the international Eco-Schools project (“Skólar á grænni grein”), managed by Landvernd – Icelandic Environment Association here in Iceland. The project is designed to increase environmental education and strengthen environmental policy at school. Green educational instructors work in each neighborhood, transitioning between groups and familiarizing students with environmental issues in a variety of ways.

Since 2008, the School of Work has had the Green Flag, recognizing the beneficial results of their work.

Peer Education at Hitt Husid Youth Center

The School of Work partners with the Peer Education Center run by Hitt Husid Youth Center in Reykjavik. Peer educators enter all 9th and 10th grade groups with a variety of prevention education.

The education concerns a wide range of topics through discussions and team building games that seek, among other things, to enhance the teenagers' self-image.