"Unusually fun at the School of Work"

Gardening Environment

School of Work

July 19 is a celebration day at the Reykjavík School of Work at Klambratún, Langholtsskóli, and Gufunes after the second session of the summer job program. Adolescents enjoy the day playing games and grilling with their instructors.

Salvör and Ásta Rún had just finished a soccer game at Klambratún when we met them. They won the game 4-1, with Ásta scoring two goals. "It's unusually fun at the School of Work," they say. "This is enjoyable work and we learn a lot about gardening."

They also mention receiving a good introduction on how to invest their wages and how the tax system works.

Anna and Mist Þrastardóttir, instructors, were watching the soccer game. Anna is an instructor at Melaskóli and Mist at Grandaskóli. "This is an enjoyable job, challenging but rewarding," they say, adding that it's important to be a good role model. They also experience the diversity of daily life, meeting all kinds of people, pleasant and good.

The next session at the School of Work begins July 23.