LGBT+ education for the adolescent level
There are LGBT+ children in all schools and they are a diverse group, just like other children. However, LGBT+ children have in common that they fall outside what is considered the norm or standard in terms of sexual orientation, gender expression, sex characteristics and/or gender identity. Here is a toolkit with LGBT+ education materials for the adolescent level, which contains various resources such as books, teaching ideas, and videos. The materials are organized by type to make it easier for teachers to search.
Hidden Women in History
Curriculum about LGBT+ women and queerness in the history of Iceland.
Subject: Equality - Human rights - Stereotypes - LGBT+ - LGBT+ History - Gender history - Gender studies
Exploring Society (Á ferð um samfélagið) is a social studies textbook that frequently touches on gender equality among other social issues, and addresses homosexuality and LGBT+ rights on several occasions.
Analysis of song lyrics - three approaches to working with lyrics and music videos. Subject: Gender roles - Socialization - Emotions - Communication - Sex
What About Sex? is a project from Compass - a human rights manual for youth. One of the project's goals is to discuss issues and rights related to sexual orientation, including homosexuality.
Reflections on Queerness and Masculinity - several questions to start discussions on LGBT+ issues and masculinity. Can be used in gender and queer studies teaching.
LGBT+ projects
Several diverse LGBT+ projects, including about the representations of LGBT+ individuals in cartoons and sports. This project can be utilized in LGBT+ education, sociology, sex education, equality education, and more.
What is Queer / Co to jest queer?- An informational pamphlet and poster in Icelandic/English/Polish about being LGBT+.
Gender is Diverse - a beautiful comic about diversity.
Rock and Radicalism is an e-book about the youth radicalism movement that led to a more liberal society, which among other things, resulted in increased rights for women and homosexuals. Included is a variety of tasks from the material.
Sex is a Funny Word is a book about sex and everything related to it. Discusses sex openly in an inclusive manner.
Miss Iceland is a novel by Auður Ava. It can be used in both gender education and LGBT+ education, for example by creating questions from it or engaging in discussions based on its contents.
LGBT+ from Ö to A is a website about everything related to LGBT+ matters. You can look up words and terms and get explanations of their meanings. Subject: Equality - Human rights - Self-identity - Stereotypes - LGBT+ - Trans
Relationships and Sex - on 'The Compass' website, which is for young people, there is a heading that discusses sex, sexual orientation, communication and relationships.
Such People is a website with interviews with LGBT+ individuals about LGBT+ issues. On it, you can also access documentaries such as 'Such People', 'Feather Frenzy', and 'Pride'.
The Gender Unicorn and the Genderbread Person
Here are images with explanations of the terms sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, and sex characteristics. The images are good tools for teaching children the difference between gender identity, gender expression, and who people are attracted to.
Cartoons with LGBT+ elements
Three short cartoons featuring LGBT+ characters. The cartoons can be icebreakers on LGBT+ issues, emotions, and love.
Subjects: Equality - Sexual health - Human rights - Self-image - Stereotypes
All About Sex and Gender (I. Alls kyns um kynferðismál) is an animated short that discusses various aspects of sexual matters. It discusses concepts such as sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, and sex. Þórdís Elva Þorvaldsdóttir is the creator of the film.
Queerness is a series about LGBT+ people in Iceland. It covers the lives, struggles, and daily experiences of LGBT+ people in Iceland. Subject: LGBT+ - Diversity - Equality - Trans - Human rights - Communication - Stereotypes
What is it like to be a trans child?
1.What is it Like to be Trans? is a short BBC video where transgender people discuss what it's like to be trans and the questions they face daily.
2. Trans Children are episodes that provide insight into the significant and impactful decisions that trans adolescents make about their future.
LGBT+ children and families
It is important to understand that parents, guardians, and student families may be LGBT+. A number of factors need to be considered to ensure that LGBT+ families are included and feel welcomed and expected, and also so that students do not experience exclusion or divergence for having a LGBT+ family. There is a need to consider how families are addressed, who is expected on forms, how people are invited to participate in school activities, how families are spoken about in the classroom, etc. Minority stress also needs to be considered when working with LGBT+ parents and guardians.
It is therefore important to make it clear that LGBT+ families are welcome. Just as with students, it is worth asking yourself: "How do LGBT+ parents and families know they are welcome and that a supportive environment is available here?" It's possible that school staff may have children, parents, siblings, or other family members who are LGBT+, making it crucial to ensure LGBT+ friendly discourse.