Land for Green Housing

The CoR calls for applications to cooperate on five eco-friendly housing development plots. It aims to support more conservative human settlements where efforts have been made to reduce the negative impacts on climate and the environment. The project holistically looks at sustainability and focuses on keeping aesthetics, technology and usability firmly in hand.

About the project

Data on the competition, land descriptions and conditions can be found here in a promotional brochure.

Responses to submitted queries regarding the project are displayed at the bottom of this page.

Aspects of the assessment of applications can be seen in the assessment form. The

competition is part of the Green Plan and takes into account the focus of the CoR's master plan and climate change programme.

Five lots of 20-80 apartments each

Five lots will be available, calling for ideas for an eco-construction including the construction of 20-80 dwellings per plot.


The plots are located on Arnarbakki and Völvfell in Breiðholt, the Frakkastígur in the city center and Veðurstofuhæð in Hlíðar. They are different in characteristics and in different place in the city planning process, and it is the city's hope that it will encourage diverse and creative resolutions.

Diverse and multidisciplinary teams


are expected to set up diverse multidisciplinary teams working in partnership with the CoR in each field. Applicants' knowledge and experience in the areas of sustainability, architecture, engineering and construction

must be identified in a team of a maximum of 8 people.

Application by January 31, 2022

You can apply for more than one lot, but you are not allowed to make more than one bid per lot. The allocation of the land is governed by the CoR's General Land and Implementation Terms of 13 June 2013, the terms of the allocation section as well as the planning terms. The terms and conditions may be established for each lot.

The deadline has been extended and the application must be submitted by Monday 31 January 2022 at the address of the city of at the latest, with the subject line "Application – Green housing of the future".


For enquiries and tips, please email

questions and answers are displayed below the page.

Questions and Answers for Green Housing Land

17. Má skila inn umsókn á bæði íslensku og ensku?

Yes, you may submit an application in both Icelandic and English.

(Reply published on the website on 21.12.2021)

16. Almennt: Skilyrði kveða á um að uppsetning umsóknar eigi ýmist að vera í "landscape" eða "portrait". Er alveg víst að svo eigi að vera?

The City of Reykjavik asks that the three elements of the application, 'Project and architecture description', be incorporated into the landscape. The teams may decide for themselves whether the other elements of the application are implemented in landscape or portrait.

15. Veðurstofureitur: Nýtingarhlutfall, byggingarmagn og fjöldi íbúða

Weather Room Field: Data speak of an occupancy rate of 3.0 per hectare of land of about 0.5-0.6 hectares. These are therefore about 15,000 – 18,000 square meters of construction volume. Simultaneously, there is talk of approx. 80 residential units. Is it expected that the number of dwellings can be significantly higher, given the occupancy rate and the number of square meters?


It is recalled that the division of the field is at the cellular level and in modulation, and many questions therefore remain unanswered, including the occupancy rate and the number of dwellings. This can be expected to be explained through dialogue and consultation between the actors involved in the development process.

(Reply published on the website on 15.12.2021)

14. Almennt: Talað er um í gögnunum að tryggja þurfi að mannvirkinn standi á öllum þremur fótum sjálfbærni, hinna vistfræðilega, félagslega og efnahagslega. Er hægt að skilgreina nánar hvernig þessi þættir verða metnir í tilboðum?

It is emphasized that the projects are conceived from all three dimensions of sustainability. You can see in more detail in this assessment form how each component will be evaluated to the next level. The project appraisal form.


(Reply published on the website on 7.12.2021)

13. Almennt: Athugasemd varðandi hönnunarstjóra verkefnis

The tender documentation states that “The design manager and the construction manager are unrelated to the owners, designers and contractors in order to ensure the impartiality of supervision.“ Is it possible to clarify what the reason for these requests is? Since this requirement is unreasonable, we request that it be waived. The design manager is usually part of the design team and the construction manager with the contractor.


See answer to question no. 10 here on the site.

(Reply published on the website on 7.12.2021)

12. Lóð 5 – Veðurstofan: Er hægt að skilgreina hvaða lóð/svæði við Veðurstofuna sé fyrirhuguð sem svæði í þessari samkeppni?

See answer to question no. 1 here on the site.

(Reply published on the website on 7.12.2021)

11. Umsóknarfrestur: Óskað hefur verið eftir framlengdum umsóknarfresti

You have been requested more time to submit your applications. It has been suggested that this is a novelty and that applicants need time to consider the conditions and form of application. It has been suggested that December is a busy month for professionals.


The City of Reykjavik takes note of the observations and grants additional time-limits for the submission of applications. Instead of 22 December 2021, applications must now be submitted by Monday 31 January 2022 at the latest.

(Reply published on the website on 3.12.2021)

10. Hönnunarstjóri: Athugasemd hefur borist frá Arkitektafélagi Íslands varðandi hönnunarstjóra

A note has been received from the Icelandic Architectural Association indicating that the assessment regarding the fact that the design manager is unrelated to the owner, designers and contractors in order to safeguard the impartiality of supervision may be reviewed. The note states that the Construction Regulations state that the Owner shall appoint a Design Manager, but that the practice is that, as architects are involved, they are also the Design Managers and are in charge of coordinating the design documentation. AI has received comments regarding this point from both architects and contractors. The Architectural Society points out that those who compete in the market rarely want design managers to be different from the architects they have received in this project with them. This comment means, among other things, that the small size of the market means that there is not enough manpower/business to forestall possible links with competitors.


The City of Reykjavik points out that, in its assessment paper, this aspect has the least importance. It is therefore well feasible to achieve a very good “Composition and Key Team Members” rating – without the design manager being unrelated to the owner, designers and contractors. That assessment factor will in fact have an effect only if applications are otherwise assessed equal. Í matsblaði Græns húsnæðis framtíðarinnar standi „Séu hönnunarstjóri og byggingarstjóri ótengdir eiganda, hönnuðum, verktaka eða öðrum aðilum teymisins, er tekið jákvætt tillit til þess í samanburði við teymi annarra umsækjenda þegar að umsóknirnar eru að öðru leiti metnar jafnar.“

It is pointed out that the Act on Manpower No. 160/2010, there have been some changes since the previous legislation based on the principle of "preventing the self-monitoring of humans" as stated in the carriers' comments on the draft law. The most significant changes have been to the role of the construction manager, but also changes have been made regarding the coordination of design documentation and the internal control of design (cf. Articles 15 and 23 of the Planning and Building Act. The draft law states that the owner is responsible under the law for ensuring that the design, construction and operation of a maneuver complies with the requirements of the law and the regulations, and the owner shall exercise effective internal control over the persons he employs to design, construct and operate the maneuver in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Therefore, according to the manpower law, the owner is obliged to hire a design and construction manager in order to fulfill his responsibilities in this respect, and then, in the light of the principle mentioned above, it must be better if the supervisors are unrelated to other entities of the construction industry. For this reason, it is “positively taken into account” in comparison to the teams of other candidates that, when the applications are otherwise assessed to be equal, the design and construction manager is an impartial person.

The Green Housing of the Future project team has discussed the issue with representatives of the Architectural Association. The City of Reykjavik takes note of the comment and also considers the dialogue resulting from it in terms of understanding the law and the procedure generally followed. This will be addressed in the next round of the project. At the same time, the City of Reykjavik will focus on continuing a good dialogue with stakeholders with a view to learning from it and further improving the project.

(Reply published on the website on 3.12.2021)

9. Almennt um þátttöku: Munu þau sem sendu inn hugmyndir í hugmyndaleitina Húsnæði framtíðar með léttu vistspori sem Rvk.borg efndi til sl. vor, og/eða hafa átt í samtali við Reykjavíkurborg um þróun græns húsnæðis, njóta þess að einhverju leyti nú?

It was decided to approach this in such a way that all participants were equally represented in the assessment of applications. Therefore, they are not given formal points for having previously been in conversation with the city or submitting ideas. However, the people who submitted ideas and/or have previously had a conversation with the City of Reykjavik about the development of green housing have influenced what features have been considered in the creation of the project, how the project has developed, and what assessment issues have been incorporated. In addition, by submitting ideas in due course, the parties concerned have probably put themselves into a certain way of thinking and worked out and honed ideas that are expected to give them a certain edge in resolving this project.

(Reply published on the website on 1.12.2021)

8. Almennt um þátttöku: Hefur það afleiðingar (refsingu) í för með sér ef ekkert verður úr verkefni sem hefur fengið úthlutað lóð? Getur þetta haft áhrif á möguleika þeirra er standa að viðkomandi teymi til að fá úthlutað lóð síðar meir?


(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)

7. Greiðsluskilmálar: Hverjir eru greiðsluskilmálar fyrir byggingarrétt á lóðinni, í ljósi þess að hún er ekki byggingarhæf?

The land is not eligible for payment until it has been constructed.

(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)

6. Veðurstofureitur – bílastæðakrafa: Verða bílastæðakröfur vegna húsnæðis á Veðurstofureit lægri ef niðurstaða skipulagsvinnu verður sú að reisa bílastæðahús á reitnum? Yrði mögulegt bílastæðahús á vegum Reykjavíkurborgar/Bílastæðasjóðs

The traffic and parking issues of the field will be addressed in the division work ahead. A parking garage may be considered in this work. At this stage of the proceedings, it is not possible to say whether there is a parking claim or whether and who would build and/or operate a potential car house.

(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)

5. Veðurstofureitur – deiliskipulag: Hver er staða deiliskipulags á reitnum?

Work on partitions is at the cellular level. For various ideas that have been put forward about the field, see the introductory brochure.

(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)

4. Veðurstofureitur – deiliskipulag: Er mögulegt fyrir mögulegan kaupanda lóðar að koma að deiliskipulagi reitsins?

Yes, I do. The Field Competition team will have the opportunity to negotiate to participate in this process, and thus be able to match their ideas to the Field and, if necessary, influence its organisation.

(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)

3. Veðurstofureitur – deiliskipulag: Hversu lengi er gert ráð fyrir að deiliskipulagsvinna reitsins standi yfir?

Work on partitions is at the cellular level and in fact it is impossible to say how long this could take. In general, division work can often take about 12 to 24 months.

(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)

2. Veðurstofureitur – kvaðir: Tiltekið er Félagsbústaðir eigi kauprétt að 5% þeirra íbúða á Veðurstofureit sem verða til undir merkjum Græns húsnæðis framtíðarinnar. Eru einhverjar aðrar kvaðir á þessum íbúðum?

Looking at the entire Meteorological Field, there are claims that a third of its building rights will be devoted to eco-construction (this project on Green Housing of the Future). Another third will be devoted to housing associations building without profit considerations and a third will be devoted to the construction of economically viable housing. As for the third that has been devoted to this project, the Green Housing of the Future, it is a question of green structures, those contained in the competitive profile. It does not envisage additional requirements regarding the useable housing, but it is prepared that in the course of the works on the development of the layout of the plot there may be requirements regarding the laying, the passageways, etc.

(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)

1. Veðurstofureitur – reiturinn sjálfur: Hvaða svæði er nákvæmlega um að ræða á reitnum? Er um að ræða eitt af lituðu svæðunum á loftmyndinni í kynningarbæklingnum eða allan reitinn?

In fact, it is the whole field. Approximately one-third (33%) of the construction volume of the entire Meteorological Field (up to 80 dwellings of approximately 0.5-0.6 hectares) is expected to be earmarked for this project - the Green Housing of the Future. The exact location of the flats within the field has not been determined and will become apparent during its development. It is expected that another third of the field will be devoted to economically viable housing, and yet another to housing associations that build without profit considerations. The coloured frames that have been drawn into the aerial view of the site reflect the ideas of the possible locations of these three projects within the overall plot, but do not predict what the final downward arrangement of the plot will be. In the competition, the teams according to this have a fairly free hand within the large field regarding the form and relationship of the fields and the implementation of their ideas for a green structure on the Meteorological Field.

(Reply published on the website on 22.11.2021)