Practical information for managers

Various practical information for managers.

Directorate of Labor

The Directorate of Labor offers advice for those with reduced work capacity, including disabled people and other job seekers. The services provided are twofold and tailored to the individual’s support needs. Services include specialized counseling and support for job search and the Employment with Support (AMS) program. AMS assists with job searches as well as offering support and follow-up at the workplace.

Employment with Support (AMS)

Employment with Support is an effective way to assist those needing help to secure jobs in the general labor market. Employment with Support provides extensive assistance to those with reduced working abilities due to mental and/or physical disabilities. Help is provided to find the right job and support is given at the new workplace.

Support AMS provides to the workplace

Emphasis is placed on good cooperation with employers. AMS helps build connections at the workplace and develops a support network there. Support is provided as long as needed, then it is systematically reduced. However, the employer and the employee continue to have access to a counselor as needed. AMS oversees the work contracts of disabled people.

Disabled Person’s Work Contract

The Disabled Person’s Work Contract is a reimbursement agreement for employers who have employed staff with reduced work capacity. The goal and role of the Disabled Person’s Work Contract is to enhance the opportunities for job seekers with reduced work capacity to secure employment in the general labor market.

For more details on the conditions required for a Disabled Person’s Work Contract, how the contract should be set up, the reimbursement process, and who oversees the Disabled Person’s Work Contract, visit the Directorate of Labor's website.

Special focused initiative projects

The Directorate of Labor is authorized to contract with companies, institutions, or non-governmental organizations for the employment of job seekers covered by the unemployment insurance system to work on special, temporary focused initiative projects beyond the legal and normal operations of the relevant entity.

For more information about the conditions for payment of support, contracts, and the rules for reimbursement to employers for work-related labor market measures, visit the Directorate of Labor's website.

Hiring with Disabled Person’s Work Contracts at Reykjavík City workplaces

  1. A workplace has an employee with reduced work capacity or is interested in hiring an employee with reduced work capacity
  2. Contacts the Directorate of Labor or us if the workplace does not already have an employee.
  3. Fills out information for the work contract and include the Department of Human Resources & Work Environments employee in the email cc
  4. The Department of Human Resources & Work Environments approves the contract in the portal
  5. The reimbursement process begins
  6. Payments to the workplace are made quarterly

It is important that all payroll items are included in the work contract upon application:

Overtime, surcharges, breaks, grants, etc.

The Accessibility & Consultative Committee for Disabled People in Reykjavík

You can seek the Committee’s assistance for advice and guidance on services for disabled people or when there is a need to improve accessibility for employees or service users.

The Committee’s scope of work is as follows in accordance with its resolution:

The Accessibility & Consultative Committee shall advise Reykjavík City Council, committees, and councils on the issues and interests of disabled people in the broad sense of accessibility, in the development of all City services addressed to people with disabilities, and, as the case may be, other concerns of disabled people. The committee shall promote a good flow of information and collaboration between the City of Reykjavík and the organized interest groups of disabled people.

The Accessibility & Consultative Committee is involved in formulating policy in accessibility issues and issues related to services for disabled people and it makes decisions and recommendations to the relevant councils within its jurisdiction. It shall initiate projects that contribute to improving services and access for disabled people in accordance with the policy on accessibility issues and the financial resources of the Committee at any given time. The Committee also carries out other tasks as determined by City Council.

Service and Knowledge Center for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Individuals with Combined Visual and Auditory Impairment

The goal of the Service and Knowledge Center for the Blind, Visually Impaired, and Individuals with Combined Visual and Auditory Impairment is to enhance the abilities of the blind, visually impaired, or those with combined impairments to participate actively in all aspects of society, on par with others, focusing on support for education, independent living, active leisure, and employment participation.

Transportation Services for Disabled People

Disabled individuals who cannot make use of public transport or their own vehicle may be eligible for driving services. The goal of the service is for people to be able to get around when they want to. Pant is responsible for driving services for disabled people.

Rights Protection Officers for Disabled Persons in Reykjavík

  • Rights Protection Officers' phone number: 554-8100
  • Rights Protection Officers' email:
  • Opening hours are 10am-2pm on weekdays.
  • Address: Austurströnd 3, 170 Seltjarnarnes.


Regarding hiring personnel with disabilities:

More about Department of Human Resources & Work Environments