Accessibility and Consultative Committee for Disabled People

Teikning af manni í hjólastól spila á gítar og konu með hund og staf.

The goal of the Accessibility and Consultative Committee for People With Disabilities is to improve services for people with disabilities in Reykjavík by actively involving people with disabilities in the planning and development of the services. Another goal of the Committee is to improve access for people with disabilities to all Reykjavík City services as well as to city land.

About the Accessibility and Consultative Committee for People With Disabilities in Reykjavík

The goal of the Accessibility and Consultative Committee for People With Disabilities is to improve services for people with disabilities in Reykjavík by actively involving people with disabilities in the planning and development of the services. Another goal of the Accessibility and Consultative Committee is to improve access for people with disabilities to all Reykjavík City services as well as to city land.


Reykjavík City’s Accessibility and Consultative Committee on the affairs of people with disabilities is made up of nine representatives and an equal number of alternates. City Council elects three representatives and three alternates. The Icelandic Federation of Disabled Persons (ÖBÍ) appoints three representatives and three alternates, of which at least one person is from the class of people with mental disabilities. Þroskahjálp – Iceland’s National Association of People with Intellectual Disabilities appoints two representatives and two alternates. The NPA Center appoints one representative and one alternate. At least one representative of the group of people with disabilities who continuously use a wheelchair shall serve on the Council—and the City of Reykjavík must ensure this is the case. All representatives from organized interest groups must be users of services for people with disabilities in Reykjavík.

Area of Competence

The Accessibility and Consultative Committee shall advise Reykjavík City Council, committees, and councils on the issues and interests of people with disabilities in the broad sense of accessibility, in the development of all City services addressed to people with disabilities, and, as the case may be, other concerns of people with disabilities. The committee shall promote a good flow of information and collaboration between the City of Reykjavík and the organized interest groups of disabled people.
The Accessibility & Consultative Committee is involved in formulating policy in accessibility issues and issues related to services for disabled people and it makes decisions and recommendations to the relevant councils within its jurisdiction. It shall initiate projects that contribute to improving services and access for disabled people in accordance with the policy on accessibility issues and the financial resources of the Committee at any given time. The Committee also carries out other tasks as determined by City Council.

Reykjavík City’s Accessibility and Consultative Committee also manages the project of a coordinating group on the affairs of people with disabilities in accordance with the second paragraph of Article 42 of Act No 40/1991 on Municipal Social Services.

The officer of the Accessibility and Consultative Committee for Disabled People is Valgerður Jónsdóttir