Country information (LUKR)
Country information manages all databases that contain country-related information. Intensification, maintenance, processing and provision of land information are the main tasks, but the Department is also responsible for the control and operation of LUKR, land surveying and the issuance of measurement sheets and land drafts.
The main tasks of country information are:
- Drafting and maintenance of measurement sheets and land drafts
- Land surveys
- Maintenance of coordinate and altitude system
- Management of local
- branch Coordination of older land
- Management and operation of LUKR Construction
- and maintenance of databases and interconnection tables LUKR
- Management of land surveys Citizen Web Sight and Planning
- Enhancement of aerial imagery
- Map creation
- Registration, processing and provision of land information
- Update of regional planning figures
LUKR Outsourcing Website
The Reykjavik Land Information System stores important geographic information about streets, buildings, landscapes, hilly landscapes, parking systems, and more in Reykjavik. These data are available free of charge and in digital form, which users have the option to download through an evaluation page.
In order to extract data, you must first log in with an ice key.
Reykjavík in 3D
Landscape information is shifting to 3D environments and this opens up many new possibilities. In recent years, a considerable amount of work has been done on the construction of a 3D model of Reykjavik, and the city centre can now be viewed in 3D. The houses are drawn in Sketchup, the vast majority of which are drawn by Paul Heimi Pálsson, and can be accessed in the 3D Warehouse.
Land information also includes a set of mansions with altitude information, as you can see when viewing Reykjavik in Google Earth, which dates back to 2009 and only provides a rough picture of the appearance of houses.

The Environmental and Planning Department is responsible for drafting and issuing meter sheets and land drafts. The Office of Manpower Execution and Maintenance is responsible for drafting and issuing floor sheets.
Data evaluation
LUKR Data is stored in the national coordinate system ISN93. It is based on the cone warping of Lambert with two contact strips, in 64° 15' and 65° 45'. The evaluation system also offers to transfer the data to the CoR Coordinator, which may slightly extend the time taken to process an evaluation. The current form of data evaluation is based on the delivery of shape-form (.shp) and dxf-form (.dxf).
Toll free data from LUKR
On the web, users can quickly access toll-free data from LUKR's databases in shape form. Everyone is free to copy this data and use it for their own benefit.
The relevant metadata can be found on the Icelandic Geometrics page. The data can be viewed in the City Viewer, and it's a good idea to do this before copying the data.

What data was taken from a database?
Report via email to when and what data was taken from the LUKR database.