Greenery on municipal land

Description of the action and objectives

Green Deal action

Reykjavík City aims to strengthen its role as a green city, as stated in the City's Municipal Plan. The Green City Policy is intended to serve as a driving force for a good urban life, promote better public health for city residents, and increase the green appearance of Reykjavík with trees and other vegetation.

Implementation period

Planned completion in the second half of 2030

Status: In progress

Status report on January 1, 2024

In 2023, reviews of the older phases of the Green Network were conducted, and the priorities and guidelines were revisited based on the review outcomes. Trees were planted on Borgarvegur and Réttarholtsvegur, and the design of new green areas for the Green Network to be implemented in 2024 began. In 2023, the City’s nursery provided 5,059 trees and 795 perennial plants.

Older status reports

Below you can find older status reports with information on the progress of the action since its inception (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Timing Progress description
July 2023 The results of the first phase from 2021-2022 were reviewed, and design strategies for the next phases were updated and redefined based on the outcomes. New planting beds from the Green Network were redone at Borgarvegur and Hallsvegur.
January 2023 In 2020 to 2022, a diverse array of trees and shrubs, as well as perennials and bulbous plants, were planted across 24 areas within the municipal land. In total, around 2,200 trees and shrubs were planted, complemented by about 1,000 perennials and bulbous plants. Further planting of trees and shrubs is planned as part of the Green Network project in 2023. The experience gained from reviews and evaluations of previous stages of the project will be utilized.
July 2022 Over 200,000 flowers in all the colors of the rainbow from the Reykjavík Nursery decorated Reykjavík this year. In addition, urban trees or city trees are also grown there. Urban trees are special in that they are particularly suitable for urban environments and do not obstruct the view for cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians. Urban trees also need to withstand various stimuli associated with living in densely populated areas.

Connection of action to Reykjavík City's policies:

Reykjavík City departments:

Related actions

The table below contains actions related to this initiative, and you can access more information by clicking on the "action title" in the table (if you're using your phone, it's better to turn it sideways).
Action name Completion Departments
Climate forests in Úlfarsfell 2030 Department of Environment & Planning
Development in Öskjuhlíð 2024 Department of Environment & Planning
Construction in Austurheiðar 2024 Department of Environment & Planning
Greenery on municipal land 2030 Department of Environment & Planning