Gender education for mid-level - teaching materials

Here is a toolkit containing teaching materials, pamphlets, lesson ideas, and projects for use in gender education at the mid-level of primary school.

Educational materials on equality

'You, Me and Us All' is a textbook containing stories and facts about equality in a broad context, along with teaching guidelines. Subjects: Equality - LGBT+

From My Perspective is a project on gender equality and its connection to sustainability based on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.

Rock and Radicalism is educational material on youth activism that led to a more liberal society, including increased rights for women and homosexuals. Subjects: Equality - LGBT+ - Activism

Gender education projects designed to prompt reflection on the marketing of girls' and boys' products. Subjects: Equality - Stereotypes


Here you can find games that are effective in enhancing students' self-image and helping them recognize their own strengths and those of their classmates.

Let's Build a Better World

Here is a workbook compiled by the scouting movement based on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The projects can be adapted to all age groups. The workbook is translated and localized for both electronic and printed use.

Compass and Compasito for Children

Here are projects taken from the human rights education books Compass and Compasito

Once Upon a Time - the project aims, among other things, to make children aware of standardized gender roles and characters in fiction and everyday life.

Who Am I? - this project is designed, among other things, to promote respect and solidarity.

Different Wages - the project clearly demonstrates to participants how people are discriminated against in the labor market based on age and gender.

Words That Hurt - one of the project's goals is for children to understand that people can react differently to words.

Boys Don't Cry - a goal of the project is to illustrate how stereotypes contribute to discrimination.

What I Enjoy and What I Do - the project aims, among other things, to help participants understand the effects of gendered stereotypes.

Analyzing song lyrics

Here you can find several ways to work with song lyrics and music videos, analyzing them with students in terms of emotions, communication, and sex.

Subjects: Gender roles - Socialization - Emotions - Communication - Sex

Masculinity and femininity

Here you can find a lesson idea on examining the effects of masculinity and femininity on young people's behavior in specific situations.