Processing of Personal Data

What is the purpose for processing and its basis?

In January 2015, Reykjavík City, in collaboration with the Reykjavík Metropolitan Police, The Women's Shelter and Primary Care of the Capital Area, initiated the focused initiative project 'Together Against Violence'. The District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík is now also a participant in the project.

The collaboration aims to address domestic violence cases deliberately to ensure the safety of residents in their homes, provide better services to both victims and perpetrators, and improve the situation for children living with domestic violence.

Reykjavík City collects statistical data from service calls relating to domestic or intimate partner violence. Reykjavík City finds it essential to process personal data for statistical purposes, aiming to improve social services for victims, perpetrators, and their children.

The processing of personal data for this initiative project is based on the Municipalities' Social Services Act No. 40/1991, the Child Protection Act No. 80/2002, and on the Act on Data Protection and the Processing of Personal Data No. 90/2018, with specific reference to points 3 and 5 of Article 9 and point 10 of Article 11.

What data is processed?

We handle the following data:

General personal data:

Name and ID numbers of victims and perpetrators, child's name and ID number, legal residence/address, sex, family type, phone numbers, email address.

Sensitive personal data:

Information on sexual orientation, substance use, health conditions, disabilities, and emotional/physical state during a domestic violence incident, as well as information on nationality/citizenship and type of violence.

Where does the information come from?

The victim/perpetrator provides the aforementioned details, and further, Reykjavík City obtains basic information from Registers Iceland.

How long is the personal data kept?

The personal data is stored indefinitely because of a legal obligation resting on the City of Reykjavík.

How is the safety of your personal data ensured?

The City of Reykjavík safeguards personal data through appropriate organizational and technical measures, including access controls and encryption. All Reykjavík City staff involved in the processing of personal data is subject to professional secrecy.

Sharing personal data with third parties

Reykjavík City is obliged to submit all preserved data to the City’s Municipal Archives after a specified time.

The City of Reykjavík will not share any other personal data with third parties unless this is required to do so on the basis of law, governmental orders, or a court order. Furthermore, Reykjavík City will not share personal data outside the European Economic Area without express authorization.

Your rights

You may have the right to a copy of the personal data that the City of Reykjavík processes on you. You may also have the right to object to the processing, have the information corrected, or have the processing limited. You can find more information about your rights in the Reykjavík City Privacy Policy, which is available on the City's website.

Complaints about the processing of personal data

Note that you can always contact the Reykjavík Data Protection Officer (persó or write to the Icelandic Data Protection Authority (DPA).

(January 2023)

Resources for victims

Click here to explore the resources available if you're experiencing abuse, have been a victim of abuse, or know someone who is.