
Preschool with a nursery division

Brekknaás 4
110 Reykjavík


About the preschool

Blásalir is open from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm

Blásalir Preschool was built in 2000 and it is at the top of Selás. The goal with the design of the school was to spark enjoyment for children so we have bright yellow pyramids that rise out from the building. The preschool has pyramidal roofs and underneath there are playrooms, or cores, that are used by both the younger group and the older group. The cores have a large splash pool, a multi-purpose space located in the center of the building, and an art workshop that can also be used as a stage. A vegetable garden and compost boxes are located next to the preschool. During the summer, the children in the preschool group grow vegetables in the garden. They also compost all year round. The preschool employs about 25 people and has 76 children at a time in four divisions; yellow, blue, green, and red divisions.

Preschool Director: Hólmfríður Hannesdóttir

Want to know more?

In this very short video, we give a glimpse of the preschool activities.


The values of Blásalir are respect, joy, fitness, and creativity

The educational approach of the preschool is based on the philosophy of John Dewey. This is simply expressed in the motto "learning by doing". We emphasize promoting respect for each individual, as well as self-help, social, and early intervention skills. The guiding principle of the preschool is "a healthy soul in a healthy body." This means that the group of children need to eat nutritious food, get adequate exercise, and have regular sleep in order to be able to enjoy being outdoors in nature, regardless of the weather.

Teikning af konu að kasta hlutum eins og sirkúslistamaður.

Preschool activities

School curriculum

Do you want to know more about the philosophy and daily operations of Blásalir? In the school curriculum, you'll find detailed information about the school's philosophical emphasis and approach to play, learning, and work.

Operational plan

What's ahead for Blásalir? In Blásalir's operational plan, you'll find, among other things, the school's internal and external evaluations for the last year, an improvement plan, the preschool calendar, and much more.

Preschool calendar

Here is the preschool calendar for Blásalir. The preschool calendar lists the planning days as well as other important information for parents and guardians.

Parent cooperation

We are all in this together, and as the proverb goes it takes a village to raise a child. Reykjavík City preschools make targeted efforts to consult with and increase parent involvement in preschool activities. All Reykjavík City preschools have parent associations and parent councils.

The Center for Blásalir

Blásalir Preschool falls under East Center. East Center provides a wide range of services to the residents of Árbær, Grafarholt, Grafarvogur, and Kjalarnes and is a comprehensive information source for municipal services. The Center provides welfare services, school services to preschool and primary schools, day care and recreational counseling, and various other services.

Child prosperity

The Act on the Integration of Services in the Interest of Children’s Prosperity has come into effect. The goal is to ensure children and guardians receive the right assistance, at the right time, from the right parties.

Families and children in need of early support have guaranteed access to a prosperity contact in the child's immediate environment, such as in preschool or primary school. The prosperity contact offers information and guidance on services and ensures that children and guardians have unhindered access to these services.

Children, youth, and guardians can reach the school prosperity contact to request integrated services.

The contact person for Blásalir is: Rúna Gunnarsdóttir