Fees and subsidies

Preschool fees are collected in advance through an online bank invoice. The due date for preschool fees is the 1st of each month, with a deadline 30 days later. The City of Reykjavík subsidizes part of the preschool fees, and the rest is paid according to the fee schedule.

How much does preschool cost?

Reykjavík City’s preschool fee schedule is divided into two categories based on the financial situation of parents and guardians. The amount depends on how long the child attends preschool each day. Additionally, payments cover a portion of meal costs.

The categories are as follows

Category 1 – Married parents, cohabiting partners, one parent in school.

Category 2 – Applicants for discount including; single parents, both parents in school, one or both parents with disabilities or on rehabilitation pension from the Social Insurance Administration, and Reykjavík preschool staff.

Do preschool fees need to be paid when the preschool is closed?

Preschool fees are paid for eleven months per year. If your child's preschool is closed for any reason for an extended period of time, preschool fees are not charged for that period of time.

Who can receive discounts on preschool fees?

Parents in school, single parents, disabled people, and City of Reykjavík preschool staff can apply for a preschool fee discount. Discounts are also provided for a child's illness or if two or more siblings attend preschool in Reykjavík. The discount also applies to private preschools.

What happens if I don't pay the preschool fees?

If preschool fees are not paid, a collection process for arrears begins and the child may be at risk of losing their preschool space.

Unpaid preschool fees

10 days after the final due date: The payer receives a reminder letter.

50 days after the due date: The claim is transferred to intermediary collection. When a claim is sent to a collection company, you can negotiate the debt with them.

120 days after the due date: The claim is transferred to legal collection.

If payments are made after the final due date, the payer must also pay late fees on the preschool fees. The cost of sending reminder letters and pursuing collection also falls on the payer.

When can the City of Reykjavík terminate a child's stay agreement?

The City of Reykjavík is allowed to terminate a child's stay agreement if preschool fees have not been paid for 110 days from the due date. The debt does not have to be related to the child in question, as long as the claim meets the aforementioned 110-day condition. Termination takes effect at the end of the month, with a one-month notice period.

If a child who has started preschool does not use the preschool space for two months without explanation, the child's stay agreement may be terminated. Termination takes place on the 1st or 15th of each month, with a one-month notice period.

Do you prefer to receive a payment slip?

If you would rather receive a payment slip, you can contact the Reykjavík City Service Center at Borgartún 12-14, by phone at 411 1111, via online chat, or through the email info@reykjavik.is.

How can we help?

Do you need further assistance or didn't find what you were looking for? The City Service Center can help you by phone at 411 1111, via live chat, and through email at innritun.leikskolar@reykjavik.is.