Idea collection for the restoration of Laugardalslaug Pool

A design competition is forthcoming among professionals for the renovation of Laugardalslaug Pool and its affiliated structures.
Residents were given the opportunity to express their ideas on Better Reykjavík, via email, and by submitting ideas to an ideas box located at Laugardalslaug Pool. The collection of ideas has now closed.
We're seeking innovative and forward-thinking ideas that bolster the pool's role as a hub for swimming sports, swimming instruction, wellness, and water games for people of all ages. In addition to being a lively cultural and community platform.
The grandstand of Laugardalslaug is a city landmark, and we plan to keep the look of historic structures mostly similar. Suggestions were solicited for the development and increased utilization of the grandstand in its entirety.
Swimming culture
There is a deep-rooted and vibrant swimming culture in Iceland. Pools play a significant role in Icelanders' quality of life, and local swimming culture is unlike anywhere else in the world. Swimming is part of everyday life, an integral component of many people's daily routines, and an active and lively part of our society.
Laugardalslaug is one of eight public swimming pools operated by Reykjavík's Department of Sports & Leisure. The service provided by the swimming pools strongly reflects that aspect of city residents' culture that is connected to healthy living and the natural benefits of hot water and the use of geothermal energy.
About the project
A design competition will be held in partnership with the Architects Association of Iceland. On the basis of the competition, a proposal and ideas for continued design and implementation will be selected.