Rehabilitation at Virknihús

At the Virknihús Activity Center, people have many options for rehabilitation to get a job or to increase their activity and participation levels. The goal is always to improve people’s quality of life and increase their opportunities in life, focusing on self-empowerment, learning and recovery.

How do I get rehabilitated?

Most of the rehabilitation resources are for people who receive social counseling from the City of Reykjavík. You should contact a Service Center to ask for social counseling. Your consultant will then evaluate with you which resources are best suited to your needs.

Activity Support Team (AVM)

Employable individuals receiving financial assistance can get help from the Activity Support Team at the Virknihús Activity Center. The Activity Support Team aims to empower, motivate, educate, and support people in their job search. The Activity Support Team offers individual counseling, focusing on resume writing and interview preparation. The Activity Support Team also provides courses in Icelandic and English to enhance job search skills and personal development.

IPS employment counseling

IPS (Individual Placement and Support) is an evidence-based method in vocational rehabilitation. It aims to improve the situation of people interested in working in the open labor market by helping them find competitive jobs. The service offers targeted job search assistance and support after employment. IPS employment counseling emphasizes an individualized approach, including interviews, counseling, and follow-ups.


Eighteen months of rehabilitation for people with chronic social problems due to drug use. It aims to support people for self-help through participation in learning or employment. The emphasis is on recovery, self-empowerment, enhancement of social skills and general engagement in the community. In addition, there is support for participation in study, work or other activities.


Resources for single parents aged 18-34 who receive financial aid, a rehabilitation pension, or disability pension. The main goal is for people to increase their quality of life and that of their children. A plan is drawn up with the individual with the aim of increasing self-empowerment, engagement and participation in work and play. The rehabilitation period is individually determined.

Bataskóli Recovery School

Bataskóli Recovery School is for individuals 18 years of age and older who have mental health challenges. It offers a variety of courses written and held by people from different backgrounds. Bataskóli works under a recovery-oriented philosophy. You can apply directly to Bataskóli without receiving social counseling from the City of Reykjavík.


The Welfare Department of the City of Reykjavík partners with Hugarafl. Hugarafl serves individuals receiving financial aid who need rehabilitation for mental health challenges.