Activity-oriented support services
Bæjarflöt 17
112 Reykjavík

About Smiðjan
Smiðjan offers works and activities for disabled people. It's also a community where leisure activities and fun are in focus. Sensory rooms can be found here, along with frequent field trips, swimming, and walks. Holding dance parties, singing sessions, story times, and karaoke are popular.
Our goal is to empower each individual, emphasizing expression, communication, and building self-esteem. We also emphasize organized work methods, clear and visible frameworks, and a well-defined and visible environment. In all sorts of leisure activities and work, each person contributes according to their abilities, and in different sized groups. No one can do everything - everyone can do something.
- Manager: Sigurbjörn Rúnar Björnsson
- Division Heads: Elva Hlín Harðardóttir and Sólrún Helga Örnólfsdóttir
- Head of the Art Workshop: Melkorka E. Freysteinsdóttir
- Occupational therapist: Rakel Bærings Halldórsdóttir
The art workshop
Smiðjan operates an art workshop where we work with textiles, construction, clay, and visual arts. Smiðjan produces many handmade clay items for sale such as bowls, plates, and more.
Saga Coffee House
The coffee house is the heart of Smiðjan, a place where everyone meets, reads, chats, and enjoys food and drink. We take turns baking and bringing out delicious food and drink.
Job training project - out on the general job market
In collaboration with the Directorate of Labor, we have a job training project underway at Smiðjan. There, disabled employees, along with their mentors, go out into the general job market. Precise job adaptation is in collaboration with the employer. The benchmark has been one to two days a week, and then one to two hours at a time. The project has measured well and yielded significant benefits for both our disabled employees and working community.
For those not ready to step into the job market
We continuously work to get projects from various companies and sole proprietors, such as packaging, labeling, and sorting tasks. Thus, disabled employees of Smiðjan have the opportunity to contribute their work to society. These projects are carried out in Smiðjan.