Review of ideas

Did you submit an idea to My Neighborhood and want to know what happens next? Then you are in the right place.

What happens now?

The ideas are reviewed after the idea collection finishes. In that process, all submitted ideas reviewed and evaluated for compliance with project rules and feasibility.

The ballot is lined up after the review and 25 ideas are selected for the voting in Reykjavík’s districts. The ideas then undergo an initial design for the vote where a project description is written for the idea, a final location is found, and the cost is estimated.

How are the ideas reviewed?

A committee of City staff reviews all submitted ideas and assesses whether they comply with project rules. Of those ideas, 15 of the most popular ideas in each district will automatically move forward. The district’s residents’ council then selects 10 more ideas.

When evaluating ideas, project staff look for any means of implementing ideas so that they can be voted on. Ideas to be implemented in areas/lots that have specific roles such as in sports areas, swimming pools, and school ground need to be examined closely. In some cases, idea creators are contacted to further clarify or modify an idea so that it meets the rules of the project. All ideas will receive a response.

Which experts are consulted?

A large number of experts are consulted within and outside the administration to assess whether ideas fit in with the rules of the project and whether they are feasible. The list of consulted people varies from year to year, but in recent years we have, among others, consulted:

  • Transportation Division
  • Division of Nature & Parks
  • Planning Officer
  • City Museum
  • City Attorney
  • Libraries & Art Galleries
  • Relevant City departments (for example, the Departments of Education & Youth and Sports & Leisure)
  • Association of Icelandic Visual Artists

What conditions does the idea have to meet?

  • It must be a new implementation – maintenance and safety projects are directed elsewhere.
  • It cannot cost more money than the district is allocated.
  • It may not require significant operational expenses, such as for staffing or monitoring with security cameras.
  • It must be feasible within the project time frame - meaning by the end of 2024.
  • It must adhere to the planning and stated strategy of Reykjavík City.
  • It must fall within Reykjavík City’s mandate
  • It must be in an open space and on City land.
  • It must comply with laws and regulations.

Online district voting

Once the ideas have been selected, all Reykjavík districts conduct voting on All people aged 15 and over who are legally resident in Reykjavík can vote.

The voting is online and users must identify themselves with an electronic ID or IceKey.

Project implementation

The projects that receive the most votes in each district will be designed, tendered, and implemented the following year. Information on their progress will be shared on the Reykjavík City website (Development Viewer). Idea creators and residents’ councils may be consulted on the implementation of the projects, especially when the ideas need to be changed.

Ideas that are not voted in will be forwarded to various channels within the City, for instance as suggestions to the relevant departments or as comments on city planning.