
The role of the Presidium is to organize the work of the City Council. The president and vice presidents of the City Council constitute the Presidium, and the president directs the committee's work.
The Resolution on the Management and of Reykjavík City and City Council Minutes states, in Article 50:
The president and vice presidents of the City Council constitute the Presidium, and the president directs the committee's work. If an electoral list that has elected representatives in a City Council does not have representation in the Presidium according to sub-paragraph 1, it shall then appoint a City Councilor from its ranks as an observer in the Presidium with the right to speak and make proposals.
Alternates should be appointed to the Presidium to take seats at its meetings when representatives are unable to attend. The same applies to alternate observers.
The Presidium usually holds meetings twice a month. Extraordinary sessions should be convened as needed. The president convenes meetings of the Presidium and determines the agenda in consultation with the committee's executive director.
The tasks of the Presidium are as follows:
1. Plans the work of the City Council.
2. Oversees the international collaborations of the City Council.
3. Discusses proposals for amendments to the Resolution on the Management and of Reykjavík City and City Council Minutes and the resolutions for individual committees.
4. Addresses issues concerning administrative procedures and the system of governance of Reykjavík City referred to it.
5. Deals with and establishes rules for the remuneration and working conditions of elected representatives, see also Chapter IV.
6. Decides on receptions on behalf of the City.
7. Discusses other matters that the president, other committee members, observers, or the director – office of the city council, 2nd deputy mayor wish to address
8. Processes notifications from elected representatives regarding parental leave or absence due to illness and accidents.
The Office of the City Council manages the administration for the Presidium, including the writing of minutes, and the director – office of the city council, 2nd deputy mayor is the committee's executive director.