Staff - tool kit

The toolkit includes education, useful websites, various reports, and checklists related to gender equality and LGBT+ rights. Working with the checklists can be helpful for schools in integrating teaching materials for gender and LGBT+ education alongside other subjects.

Gender education

Here you can find useful information, instructions, checklists, and tasks for gender education.

LGBT+ education

Here you can find education, icebreakers, websites, and checklists related to LGBT+ education.

Provisions on equality education for children

Act No. 150/2020 on Equal Status and Equal Rights Irrespective of Gender has clear provisions that students at all levels of education shall receive education on equality issues. Equality is also one of the pillars of education according to the national curriculum for preschool and primary schools. Gender and sexual orientation are among the factors that fall under equality in the national curriculum, and an emphasis is placed on equalizing opportunities for boys and girls. Also specified are academic subjects that are considered appropriate to be used in school work, among these are gender education and LGBT+ education.

The Reykjavík Education Policy

Reykjavík City's Education Policy is based on five fundamental aspects: social skills, self-empowerment, literacy, creativity, and health. Among the competencies to be fostered are emotional literacy, a sense of justice, and leadership skills. Also, cultivate a clear and strong self-image among children, as well as health and well-being in daily life. Equality education, including gender and LGBT+ education, is necessary to ensure that the fundamental elements of the Education Policy reach all children, not just some.