Mobile food service

Mobile food service includes actual food trucks and carts, other food vending on wheels, food stalls, and food markets.

General conditions

The Reykjavík Health Committee has approved general conditions for mobile food service:

Operating permits

Mobile food service requires an operating permit from the Municipal Public Health Authority.

If the operator's legal residence is within the jurisdiction of Reykjavík, they must apply for an operating permit from Reykjavík Public Health.

The application for an operating permit needs detailed information about the operation, including the types of food to be offered, storage facilities, food safety systems, and more. View the general conditions for the relevant operation for more details.

Permission for street and square sales on city land

To operate a mobile food business on city land, a street vending permit from Reykjavík City's Department of Environment & Planning is required. If the operator's legal residence is in Reykjavík, they must obtain a preliminary approval for a street vending permit before applying for an operating permit from Reykjavík Public Health.

If the operator's legal residence is in another municipality, they still need to apply for street and square sales permission but only need to notify Reykjavík Public Health of the operation and simultaneously provide a copy of the valid operating permit from the respective public health authority. Reykjavík Public Health will assess whether the existing operating permit complies with the operation specified in the application for street and square sales permission.

If necessary, Reykjavík Public Health may require the operator to apply for a temporary operating permit from Reykjavík Public Health or may issue a negative statement about the street and square sales permission.

Please note that the ID number of the applicant for street and square sales permission must be the same as the one registered on the operating permit application.