Accessibility at Laugardalslaug Pool

Information on the entryway, private changing rooms, wheelchair access, lifts, poolside and tub facilities, and discounts in pools.


  • Private changing room with a shower and toilet
  • Lift into pool
  • Wheelchair-accessible indoor pool
  • Wheelchair-accessible salt water tub
  • Wheelchair-accessible steam room
  • Walkers

Private changing rooms

Private changing rooms are specifically intended to welcome transgender people (and children), including non-binary people, intersex people (and children), parents of children with disabilities and children who need special assistance and are of a different sex, persons with disabilities with a helper of a different sex, children who assist parents who are of a different sex, and people with health problems, such as people with stomas.

A video showing access to a private changing rooms A and B at Laugardalslaug Pool with Icelandic captions

A video showing access to a private changing rooms A and B at Laugardalslaug Pool with English captions

A video showing access to a private changing rooms A and B at Laugardalslaug Pool with Polish captions

A video showing access to a private changing rooms C and D at Laugardalslaug Pool with Icelandic captions

A video showing access to a private changing rooms C and D at Laugardalslaug Pool with English captions

A video showing access to a private changing rooms C and D at Laugardalslaug Pool with Polish captions