IT services

UTR (Reykjavík's IT Services) offers a variety of services to users and work units across the city, managing a substantial centralized operation of computer systems and maintenance of many information systems.


The role of IT Services is to ensure the operational continuity of IT infrastructure, technology equipment procurement, provide technical service and counsel in technical solutions, develop value-added services, and support the digital journey of the city.

The goal is to have secure and reliable IT infrastructure in a straightforward and efficient manner.

  • Safety
  • Health
  • Administration

UTR operates one of the country's most extensive IT services, with twelve thousand computers and smart devices across more than three hundred workplaces. Users of the IT equipment include all departments and offices of Reykjavík City, engineers, city councilors, students, teachers, staff of sports facilities, library guests, and the general public, to name a few. The systems that UTR is responsible for are also diverse. They include email systems, transaction systems, welfare systems, accounting systems, environmental monitoring systems, numerous websites, and geospatial information systems.

The operations of UTR are divided into departments:

  • Support and Technical Service
  • System Management and Technical Operations
  • System Solutions and Software Development

UTR focuses on operating a reliable and secure computing environment while providing prompt and quality service:

  • UTR adheres to a service declaration that defines service quality and priorities.
  • The operations of UTR are certified according to the international security standard ISO 27001.