Kolbrún Áslaugar Baldursdóttir

City Councilor
People’s Party
Substitute member in committee
Observing member in committee
Kolbrun Baldursdottir

Office Hours

Kolbrún Áslaugar Baldursdóttir has office hours on the second Tuesday of each month between 1pm and 2pm. You can schedule a talk by phone at 411-4701. Discussions will take place on Tjarnargata 12, 1st floor.

Main Jobs and Projects

2014-2018 Health Center Psychologist in Mjódd (50% full-time equivalent) leave of absence to work in the field of politics
2016- Psychological services for asylum seekers in the disease prevention and control outpatient clinic
2012-2018 President of Barnaheill – Save the Children, Iceland
2008- Part-time instructor at the Driving School in Mjódd in courses for driving prohibition and forfeiture of the young drivers' provisional license. Topics include alcohol and drug addiction, risk-addiction, accountability, and decision-making
1993- Operation of a psychology clinic in Álfabakki 12

Previous Jobs, Projects, and Committee Duties

2006-2016 School Psychologist at Áslandsskóli
2011 School Psychologist at Hraunavallaskóli, temporary worker
2012-2013 School Psychologist at Stóru-Vogaskóli
2008-2010 Host of the show “Í nærveru sálar” or “In the Presence of Others” at INN TV, talk show on various psychological topics
2005-2006 Discussions on various psychological topics in the morning segment of Stöð 2 TV
2007-2009 Vice-President of the Board of the resident association Better Breiðholt
2003-2007 Board Member of the Icelandic Confederation of University Graduates (BHM)
2005-2007 Contractor for the town of Kópavogur, Child Protection Psychologist
1998-2005 Child Protection Psychologist for the town of Kópavogur
1999-2001 Representative of Vensl, Kópavogur Family Counseling. Vensl was a subsidiary organ of Kópavogur Social Services
2001-2002 Member of the Anti-Bullying Committee of the Icelandic Confederation of University Graduates (BHM) during the school year
1999-2002 Adviser on the board of the Icelandic Union of Psychologists (SSI) on contractual matters
1997-1999 Chair of the Icelandic Union of Psychologists
1994-1997 Co-Director of the Icelandic Union of Psychologists
1994-1999 Senior Psychologist and Head of Department at the National Treatment Center for Adolescents/Stuðlar
1993-1994 Teacher of Psychology for 3rd year students at the Icelandic College for Pre-School Teachers 1993-1994
1992-1995, 1997, 1999, and 2002 Part-time lecturer in the Alcohol and Drugs program at the University of Iceland Faculty of Social Sciences
1992 and 1994 Part-time lecturer in the Violence in Families program at the University of Iceland Faculty of Social Sciences
1991-1993 Psychologist at the State Prison and Probation Administration
1993-1994 Social Psychology Teacher at Hamrahlíð Junior College, continuing education
1991-1992 Student Counselor at Hamrahlíð Junior College, 1991-1992 school year
1992 Part-time teacher at the State Prison-Guard School in the fall of 1992
1987-1988 Consultant internship at Women's Center of Providence in Rhode Island. 50% full-time equivalent.
1988-1989 Summer worker at the Reykjavík Social Welfare Agency, Family Division
1985 and 1987 Summer worker at the Legal Department of the Fisheries Bank
1983-1985 Treasurer at Auglýsingaþjónustan Advertising Services h/f alongside studies studying for a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Iceland.
1980-1983 Teacher (instructor) at Stokkseyri Primary School


1996 Specialization in Adolescent Social Psychology at Rhode Island College, USA (240 Credit Hours, May and June 1996)
1993 Teacher certification: pedagogy for teaching rights in the primary and upper-secondary levels from the University of Iceland Faculty of Social Sciences, 30 credits, completed in May 1993
1988-1991 Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Psychology. Field: social and personality psychology from the Department of Psychology, Rhode Island College, Rhode Island, USA
1986-1988 Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Psychological Counseling and Educational Psychology from the Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology, Rhode Island College, Rhode Island, USA
1986 Bachelor of Arts from the University of Iceland Faculty of Social Sciences
1980 Matriculation examination from the Commercial College of Iceland