City center task force

The city center task force aims to increase efficiency, create oversight, and enhance information sharing about city center issues. It also seeks to strengthen cooperation and consultation between stakeholders and City departments. The City Executive Council approved the task force's formation in September 2020. Its appointment has been renewed twice, most recently in May 2023, valid until the end of 2025.

Roles and main tasks of the city center task force

  1. Improve dialogue between various parties involved in city center matters, both within and outside the City's administration, considering the city center policy.
  2. Increase regular collaboration between Reykjavík City and city center stakeholders.
  3. Work together to create an attractive, eco-friendly, fun, and diverse city center for all, aiming to increase visitor numbers.
  4. Collect and maintain an overview of relevant statistics and key information about the city center.
  5. Share information about services, activities, developments, events, and other city center matters.
  6. Implement the city center policy through an annual operation plan.
  7. Provide official statements on grant applications to the City Center Fund.
  8. Propose future cooperation arrangements for city center issues in collaboration with stakeholders.

Reykjavík City representatives

Chief Executive Officer (chair), representatives from the Office for the Management and Maintenance of City Land, a representative from the Building Inspector's compliance office, a representative from the Construction And Maintenance Office, a representative from the Transportation And Urban Design Department, representatives from the Communications, Marketing and Events Team, a representative from the Department of Culture & Sport, representatives from the Economic & Urban Development Team, a representative from the service center for Vesturbær, Miðborg and Hlíðar, a representative from the Department of Service & Innovation, a representative from the Human Rights and Democracy Office, and a representative from the Reykjavík Public Health.

Other representatives:

Other representatives: Representative of Reykjavík Metropolitan Police, representative of the Capital Area Fire Service, representatives from the residents' associations of Vesturbær, Grjótaþorp, Miðborg, and Hlíðar, representatives from the Miðborg Marketing Association, Capital Area Destination Office, representative of the Federation of Trade and Services (SVÞ), SVÞ Real Estate Association, representative of the Icelandic Federation of Trade (FA), representative from Hafnartorg, representative from Associated Icelandic Ports, representative from the Icelandic Travel Industry Association (SAF), representative from the Government of Iceland.
Other City and stakeholder representatives are invited to meetings as needed.


The chair is Þorsteinn Gunnarsson, Chief Executive Officer.


Staff members are Hulda Hallgrímsdóttir and Jón Halldór Jónasson, project managers in the Office of the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer, working within the Economic & Urban Development Team.

Several working groups operate or have operated in connection with the task force:

  • Statistics working group. The task force has mainly reviewed results from counts conducted by the Retail Research Center for Reykjavík City.
  • A working group on goods distribution has discussed facilities and solutions for goods delivery in the city center. The group has gone on field trips and discussed possible solutions to benefit all parties.
  • A working group on a new city center association has completed its work. It examined the possibility of establishing a single joint association for stakeholders in the city center. The working group has organized larger workshops and enlisted counselors for assistance. Stakeholder representatives are considering the continuation of the project.
  • A working group on analysis of commercial real estate in the city center worked closely in 2021 and enlisted a consultant

Documents from city center task force meetings

Presentations and other documents submitted at task force meetings.