
The Tjarnarsalur in the City Hall is a public space for the residents of Reykjavík and visitors alike, both domestic and foreign. It functions as an open space in the City Hall meant for public use and hosting events that the public can attend.

About Tjarnarsalur

Tjarnarsalur is available for rental and hosts a variety of activities, including concerts, art exhibitions, conferences, small gatherings, presentations, receptions, and much more.

East Tjarnarsalur

It's rented out for a variety of events. To rent the hall, you need to apply and provide a detailed description of the event that will take place in it.

West Tjarnarsalur

The Iceland Replica is located in the west side of Tjarnarsalur except when the hall is rented for events. The replica has always been a major attraction for both domestic and international visitors.

For further information, please contact the City Hall's Event Management. All inquiries need to be sent in writing to All inquiries will be answered after the Event Management's weekly meeting.

Iceland Replica

In 1985, Reykjavík City started work on creating a replica of part of Iceland.


The map was displayed at a technology exhibition at Reykjavík City Theater, held in celebration of Reykjavík's 200th anniversary in 1986. It received a lot of attention.


When City Hall opened in 1992, the Iceland Replica was ready and installed in Tjarnarsalur of City Hall, where it has been on display ever since.


The Iceland Replica is very popular and attracts many tourists, both Icelandic and foreign.

Íslandskortið í Tjarnarsal Ráðhúss Reykjavíkur

Weddings at City Hall

Spaces for weddings can be rented at the Reykjavík City Hall. This includes two halls on the third floor in the northern part of the City Hall, Turn and Tjarnarbúð, as well as space in Tjarnarsalur.


Spaces for weddings in Reykjavík City Hall are available for rent on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays between 10am and 3pm. The ceremony is expected to last a maximum of one hour and is conducted standing up.