
The Stígur and Tröð YouthWorks provide a safe forum for 13–18 year olds to step out of their comfort zones and train themselves to communicate with peers, strengthen their self-image, express themselves sincerely, practice empathy and learn to trust.

How do I apply?

The YouthWorks are a part of the support program for children and their families. The first step in applying for the support program is to schedule a call from a counselor.

Who are the YouthWorks for?

The activities of the YouthWorks are for teenagers aged 13–18 living in Reykjavík. The activities are tailored to the needs of adolescents who are both socially isolated and:

  • Have been bullied
  • Are withdrawn and/or passive
  • Show signs of anxiety and/or depression
  • Have low self-confidence and a poor self-image
  • Have poor social skills
  • Live in difficult conditions

What is done at the YouthWorks?

The main objectives of the YouthWorks are to provide adolescents with a safe space to practice communication, strengthen their self-image, go outside their comfort zones and participate in the community. This is done by, among other things, starting with experiential learning and seeking constructive solutions, strengthening group spirit, working with trust and respect and increasing social communication skills. The work focuses on dialogue and individual empowerment.

The core of the activities consists of structured group works which participants attend twice a week and are actively involved. There are regular group meetings in order to make it easier for the adolescents to express themselves sincerely, to increase their ability for empathy and for them to learn to trust each other. In this way, they also learn to express their opinion, as well as to respect the opinions of others. The participants take on a wide range of projects and leisure activities and the schedule is based on the ideas and interests of the participants at each time.

In addition, the focus is on individual interviews and personal support.

Where are the YouthWorks located?