Reinventing Cities - C40 Seminar
Reinventing Cities seminar was held at Reykjavík City Hall, Tjarnargata 11, 7th of March 2018, at 8.30 - 10.00 AM.
You will find livestream of the seminar on this webpage, see below.
- Dagur B. Eggertsson, mayor of Reykjavík: Opening remarks
- Florence de Marignan, consultant: Presentation of C40 and Reinventing cities
- Maud Caubet, architect: Examples of winning projects of Inventing the Greater Paris Metropolis and feedback on the process from an architect’s perspective
- Anders Røberg-Larsen, Political advisor to the Vice-Mayor of Urban-Development of Oslo: Overview of the sites of Oslo
- Hjalmar Sveinsson, chairman of council of environment and planning: Overview of the sites of Reykjavík and conclusion of the event
- Q&A with the attendees
Moderator: Sólveig Zophaniasdóttir Nordic Education Lead, Climate KIC.
Livestream of event
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- Borgarráð samþykkt á fundi sínum 9. nóvember 2017 að Reykjavíkurborg óski eftir því að taka þátt í verkefninu Reinventing Cities á vegum C40 og leggi fram þrjár lóðir þar sem kallað verði eftir framúrskarandi uppbyggingarverkefnum, bæði frá sjónarmiði borgarþróunar og loftslags- og umhverfismála. Skoða greinargerð sem lögð var fram á fundinum