Pornography or sex?

It's perfectly natural to be curious about sex, to think about it, to want to see something sexual and to want to try various sexual activities. Most adolescents, at some point, worry about not knowing what to say or do when it comes to sex. This is normal.

Pornography or sex

Sex is NOT like baking a cake; everything doesn't have to follow a precise recipe for it to turn out well. Sex is more like a bag of assorted candies; it's diverse and everyone has their own favorite flavors. Desires can also vary, sometimes wanting one thing and at other times something completely different.

Some adolescents watch pornography, sometimes for sexual stimulation and sometimes to learn about how sex works, what to do, and how. What adolescents don't always know is that pornography is terrible sex education. Watching pornography is not a good way to learn about sex.

In pornography, there are many things you do NOT learn, which can be VERY important when it comes to sex, such as:

  • There is no intimacy or foreplay in pornography (such as sweet words, eye gazing, holding hands, deep and passionate kissing, caressing the other person's hair or body warmly)
  • There is no consent in pornography. Everyone just does whatever they want to the other person without asking permission or checking if it's what the other person wants. People don't care about how the other person feels. If a person in pornography shows dysphoria, like starting to cry or having trouble breathing, the other person doesn't stop. That's violence!
  • There are almost never any birth control or sexually transmitted disease protections in pornography. It's very important to consider birth control and sexually transmitted disease protections in sexual activity.
  • There are no boundaries in pornography, anything goes and no one checks what the other person wants, whether they want to change things up or even stop. Boundaries are very important in sex and it's always necessary to ensure that both parties feel good and want to do what is happening.

In pornography, there's also a lot else you need to know, such as:

  • The appearance of genitals is often very exaggerated in pornography. The average penis size is much larger in pornography than in reality. Vaginas often look the same in pornography, but they come in all shapes in reality.
  • Sexual pleasure is often greatly exaggerated in pornography. Everyone likes everything, everyone has endless stamina, and everyone usually has an orgasm. In sex, what people like varies, stamina varies, and not everyone always has an orgasm. The sexual act itself is most important, to enjoy it; orgasm is a bonus.
  • There is a lot of power imbalance in pornography and often one party dominates the other. It's very common for men to control women in pornography.
  • There is a lot of humiliation and violence in pornography. In pornographic scenes titles, women are often called derogatory names, and in the pornography, they are often humiliated and harmed.
  • Pornography is a business model that focuses on making money, not teaching people about sex. In this industry, there is a lot of exploitation.
  • Excessive pornography viewing can have harmful effects on your brain, your relationships, your attitudes, and your sexual pleasure.
  • Use your brain rather than pornography to tell you what is sexually arousing.