Want to apply for a City Grant?

Reykjavík from the sea.

Reykjavík City is accepting applications for City Grants for the year 2025.

These grants support diverse projects by individuals and non-profit organizations that contribute to the positive development of the city community, quality of life, and vibrant daily life.

Grants are awarded for projects in the following areas:

  • Social activities and welfare
  • Education and leisure
  • Sports and youth
  • Human rights

Applications are online through the City's My Pages portal. The application form is now more accessible, simpler, and clearer for applicants. The application period is from September 1 to 30, 2024.

Apply for a grant

Grant allocations are expected to be completed in early 2025.

Need further assistance or information? The City's Service Center is available via Live Chat, at info@reykjavik.is, and by phone at 411 1111.