Large space for creative work for rent in Gufunes


Gufunesvegur 25 í sínu náttúrlega umhverfi

The City of Reykjavík is advertising a large space for rent in Gufunes for creative work. The 1,100 square meter shed will be rented temporarily while the area is in the planning and development process.

In Gufunes, creativity is being promoted in a broad sense, tying together the creativity of individuals and smaller companies in the city, promoting education and knowledge formation for creative people and encouraging the formation of connections in creative industries. Care will be taken to ensure that the activities in the building fit in with these priorities of the City of Reykjavík. In the advertisement, it is stated that when selecting an operator, the novelty of the idea, design and appearance, connection with the spirit of planning in the area, knowledge, experience and financial capacity, as well as the business concept will be evaluated. It is noted that the property is not being rented as storage. 

The deadline for submission of offers is at 17.00 on 17 February 2024. The City of Reykjavík reserves the right to accept any offer or reject all offers.

More information can be found in the advertisement

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