
Heartache can be incredibly painful, and we can even feel physical pain when experiencing it! It's normal to have a wide range of feelings, allow yourself to feel the tough emotions but also it's important to distract yourself and feel joy. Heartache can manifest in various ways. Common signs of someone going through heartache include:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased/increased appetite
  • Too much/too little sleep
  • Less interest in daily and/or enjoyable activities
  • Anxiety

When we've been in a relationship with someone and spent almost all our time with them, it can be a shock to our system when they're no longer around. Then, it might be good to meet people you trust, spend time with friends or family, and do something that makes you happy and feel good. It's also essential to talk about things so you don't get stuck in the pain or even write them down! Now is the time to focus on you, heal yourself, and feel good about yourself.

Allow yourself to cry! If you need to cry, let the tears come; often, we feel better afterward because we've released our emotions.

Time is the only real cure for heartache. Remember, just because someone breaks up with you doesn't mean you're flawed; you simply weren't meant to be together. Also, remember this will pass, and one day you'll feel better.

Good to do

  • Take good care of yourself
  • Do something that makes you happy
  • What are your needs?
  • Try again when you're ready
  • Forgive - both yourself and the other person

Worse to do

  • Letting your feelings take control
  • Getting stuck in the past
  • Denying your needs
  • Jumping into a new relationship immediately