Gudrun Helgadottir Children's Book Award

The Gudrun Helgadottir Children's Book Award was created in 2018 in honor of the writer Gudrun Helgadottir. The prize is awarded annually for an unprinted manuscript to produce a children's or youth book, thus supporting innovation in the article.
What is the reward?
Prize winner receives prize money The prize money is paid by the City of Reykjavik and one prize is awarded annually in the spring in conjunction with the Children's Book Award ceremony. In 2021, the amount of the prize was 1 million.
When is the deadline?
The deadline for submission of scripts for the 2022 competition is October 18, 2021.
How do I participate?
Submission to the CoR of unpublished manuscripts of fiction for children or adolescents, original in Icelandic. Manuscripts competing for the Prize must be submitted in three copies, marked with an alias, with the name and telephone number included in the closed envelope. Manuscript to be received by 18 October 2021 at the latest.
Script extra-subscription:
Children's Book Award of the Goddess of Holidays Reykjavik City of
Literature UNESCO
Tjarnargata 11
101 Reykjavík
The publishing rights of a prize manuscript are vested in the author or the publisher with whom he decides to cooperate. If the panel of judges is of the opinion that none of the works received satisfies the requirements that it considers to be awarded works, the award ceremony may be cancelled in that year.