Elderly Affairs Council

Reykjavík City's Elderly Affairs Council acts under the authority of City Council as detailed in the Resolution on the Elderly Affairs Council and the Resolution on the Management of Reykjavík City and City Council Minutes, No 1020/2019 and as required by law.
Reykjavík City’s Elderly Affairs Council carries out tasks according to the second paragraph of Article 38 of the Municipal Social Services Act, which deals with services for the elderly and the implementation and development of issues concerning aging. The Elderly Affairs Council also carries out projects pursuant to Act No 125/1999 on the Affairs of the Elderly.
The Elderly Affairs Council shall advise Reykjavík’s City Council, Committees, and Councils on the affairs and interests of the City's residents aged 67 and over. The Council shall promote any form of disclosure and collaboration between the City of Reykjavík and the organized interest group, develop policies, and make recommendations to City Council within its jurisdiction.
The Elderly Affairs Council is a forum for consultations between citizens aged 67 and over, their NGOs, the economy, and City officials, and it is an active participant in all relevant policy making. The Elderly Affairs Council is an advisor for the City of Reykjavík’s activities in this area and contributes, in cooperation with Reykjavík City Service Centers, to the strengthening of social capital and the promotion of the services of municipal institutions to Reykjavík residents aged 67 and over.
In the performance of its duties, the Elderly Affairs Council shall always comply with all strategic and general approvals of City Council and City Executive Council.
The Elderly Affairs Council is composed of nine representatives and an equal number of alternates. City Council elects three representatives. The Association for the Elderly nominates one representative and one alternate. The Senior Citizens' Association nominates one representative and one alternate. U3A Reykjavík nominates one representative and one alternate. Primary Care of the Capital Area nominates one representative and one alternate.. City Council elects the council chair and the Elderly Affairs Council elects its own deputy chair and divides other tasks between its members. The term of office of the Council is the same as that of City Council.
Chair of the Elderly Affairs Council: Sara Björg Sigurðardóttir.
The Elderly Affairs Council generally holds one meeting a month, the second Wednesday of the month.
The Human Rights & Democracy Office is responsible for the implementation of Council’s tasks and relations with other institutions.
Elísabet Pétursdóttir, Project Manager, works for the Council: elisabet.petursdottir1@reykjavik.is
Email address for the Elderly Affairs Council: oldungarad@reykjavik.is