Culture, Sports, and Leisure Council

At the Reykjavík City Council meeting on June 19, 2018, it was agreed to establish the Culture, Sports & Leisure Council, to oversee the tasks of the Department of Culture & Tourism and the Department of Sports & Leisure, with the exception of tourism, which is transferred to the City Executive Council.
The Culture, Sports & Leisure Council should shape policy in cultural, sports, and leisure issues, make decisions, and submit proposals to the City Executive Council regarding its jurisdiction. Additionally, the Council oversees the operation of the Department of Culture & Sports and ensures adherence to approvals and strategic decisions under its jurisdiction. The Council also carries out other tasks as determined by the City Council. The Department of Culture & Sports is responsible for implementing the Council's policies and projects and communication with other City institutions.
The Culture, Sports & Leisure Council generally holds three to four meetings monthly, which are conducted at the Reykjavík City Hall.
The secretary of the Council is Helga Björnsdóttir, Office Manager for the Director of the Department of Sports & Leisure.
- Resolution for the Culture, Sports & Leisure Council
- Minutes of the councils and committees of Reykjavík City