City Viewer

The City Viewer is a free online service that provides users with various geographical information about Reykjavík and its surrounding areas.

What information can be found on the City Viewer?

The service currently provides information on fourteen categories: City layout, Streets and paths, Buildings and plots, Utilities, Demographics and real estate, Cultural heritage, Images, Reference points, Natural features, History and development, Sports, Traffic, Services, and Central points of residence. Each category features one or more informational themes.

The databases of LUKR are continuously updated and will always provide the most recent available information. It’s easy to add new items of various types, and we can expect to continually modify the City Viewer to provide invaluable assistance to residents and municipal employees at all times.

Please note that maps from the City Viewer may not be used for construction works.

Map usage

Users of the City Viewer should understand that although data on the maps or anywhere else in the City Viewer varies in quality, this is depending on the source, age, and method of data collection. Due to this, Reykjavík City cannot be held responsible for their accuracy or for any direct or indirect damage that may arise from their use. It should be noted that ongoing maintenance and updating of geographic information system databases, LUKR, from which the map data comes, are carried out regularly.

The same applies to Reykjavík Energy and Míla ehf's responsibility for the placement of their utilities, and for information on houses, street curbs, and more in Reykjavík's neighboring municipalities stored in LUKR.

Although City Viewer provides useful starting information, for the mentioned reasons, it is neither correct nor permissible to initiate construction based solely on its data. Instead, always seek confirmation from the relevant institution. In Reykjavík, the Department of Environment & Planning grants formal construction permits on behalf of Reykjavík City.

Information about the location of Reykjavík Energy's or Míla ehf's utility lines in the City Viewer CANNOT be used as a source of location before digging.

More detailed information about the location of Reykjavík Energy's utility lines can be obtained by calling 516 6000 or at RE's service desk at Bæjarháls 1, and Míla ehf's utility lines at Stórhöfði 22 - 30, phone 585 6000.

A developer intending to dig on municipal land should apply for a dig and connection permit from the Department of Environment & Planning of Reykjavík City (phone 411 8000).

How to use the City Viewer?

When the City Viewer is opened, a map of Reykjavík is displayed. At the top left is the button ‘Opna valglugga’ ('Open selection window'), below that is a button labeled ‘Loftmynd’ ('Aerial photo'). At the top of the screen is a toolbar with 18 buttons. Below is a detailed explanation of these buttons.

On the right side of the map window, there is a +/- button that you can use to zoom in and out of the map (also see the "zoom" section in the toolbar guide). Below that is a button with a picture of a house. By clicking this button, the map will reset to the starting point. Below that is another button that will zoom in on your location. This functionality can only be used when the City Viewer is viewed on a smartphone or tablet and the device's GPS location is activated.

About the City Viewer

This version of the City Viewer was developed by Samsýn ehf in collaboration with the Department of Environment & Planning of Reykjavík, the Information Technology Department of Reykjavík City, and Reykjavík Energy—these City institutions/companies are parties to LUKR.

The Department of Environment & Planning has general oversight, and Guðmundur R. Einarsson handled the visual design. The first version of the City Viewer was released in December 1999 and has been under continuous development ever since.

Comments can be sent to the City Viewer's supervisor at