Board of the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities

The Board of the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities is elected at the subsequent national meeting of the Association after municipal elections. The Board consists of 11 members, including a chair who is elected separately.
For the board elections, the country is divided into five electoral districts based on the division of constituencies for the Alþingi elections, with the exception of Reykjavík, which is a single electoral district.
All primary and alternate members of municipal councils and municipal executive directors are eligible for the Association's Board, provided that they hold that position as their main occupation. If a board member loses their mandate to sit on the board, an alternate will take their place until the next national meeting, which elects a new primary member in their stead. If a primary or alternate board member leaves their position at the municipality they were working for when they were elected, their mandate is revoked, and a new board member is elected at the next national meeting to take their place.
The Board oversees the Association's management between national meetings, which are held annually. The Board represents the Association externally and is responsible for its finances. The Board typically meets once a month.
The Board of the Icelandic Association of Local Authorities is elected for four years at the national meeting following municipal elections.